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Marry A Hidden Billionaire (Alice and Daniel) novel Chapter 189

Chapter 189
“I can talk to someone from the Kaur family. How long can you help him to sustain his life?” Alice looked at the attending doctor and asked nervously.
The doctor hesitated for a moment before replying, “12 hours, tops.”
“Okay.” Alice nodded. Then she looked at the man on the operating table. “Johnny, you must hang in there. I’ll go find help. I’ll save you.”
Johnny was half-conscious. After nodding slightly, he fell into a coma.
Alice immediately went to the corridor and called Josh.
“What did you say?” Josh pushed Ray off the bed. “Your brother is going to die and only Molly can save him?”
“Your brother… is going to die and only Molly can save him..” Josh muttered with a frown. “Is Johnny Alice’s brother?” he wondered.
“Josh, do something. Don’t talk repetitively. My brother’s condition is very serious. Could you please ask Molly to help me?” Alice was not in the mood to joke with the man.
After Josh processed what she had said for a few seconds, he rubbed his temples and said, “Molly only listens to Daniel. You can call him.”
“I don’t know Mr. Kaur. What should I say? Help me out.” Alice didn’t know whether to cry or to laugh. Josh covered his mouth and cursed himself for nearly disclosing the truth.
“Um… Alright, I’ll call him. Don’t worry. Just wait for my news.”
However, when Josh hung up the phone and called Daniel, his brother’s phone was turned off.
The vexed Josh could only reply to Alice and said, “Alice, I’m sorry, my brother’s phone is switched off. He’s probably resting. Why don’t you wait for a while?”
“My brother only has 12 hours. I can’t wait. Josh, is there any way to find Molly first?” She had to race against time and convince the doctor as fast as possible.
Josh and Ray exchanged glances, then Josh said, “How about this? I’ll ask Freddie to go to the hospital. His personal doctor is Molly’s junior, so he can make preparations first.
“After my brother informs Molly, she can take over and operate directly.”
“Hmm… Okay.” Alice nodded.
When Freddie rushed over with the doctor, he was a little shocked.
“The man who was chatting happily with different women in the private room is suddenly breathing his last.
“What exactly has happened?”
He suddenly felt that there was more to Johnny than meet the eyes.
“I’ve contacted Molly, but without Da… Ahem, the instructions of the Kaur family’s head, she won’t come. Why don’t you call your husband and see if he’s with Mr. Kaur?”
Freddie patted Alice’s shoulder and said.
Alice’s eyes
widened. “Yeah, I should ask Daniel.”
However, when she dialed the number, her husband’s phone was switched off.
Alice was so anxious that she wanted to rush to Astraland to find him. Unfortunately, she could not leave the hospital.
“How about this?” Freddie rubbed his temples. “I’ll ask a friend to contact him.”
Freddie thought that since Bernard was also in Astraland, he should be able to find Daniel.
Meanwhile, Bernard’s private jet had landed at the airport.
As soon as he turned on his phone, he received a call from Freddie.
He glanced at Daniel and immediately answered the phone. “Freddie, what’s it?”
“You’re still in Astraland, right?” Freddie asked hurriedly.
“I’ve just landed with Daniel. What happened?” Bernard wondered why everyone was so anxious.
Chapter 189
Freddie heaved a sigh of relief when he heard that. “Get that guy to answer the phone now.”
Bernard handed the phone to Daniel and said in a low voice, “It’d better be an emergency.”
“You mother… Pfft, your subordinate’s wife needs your help. Are you going to help?” Freddie felt like he was about to bite his tongue off.
He almost blurted out Daniel’s secret. It was too difficult for him


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