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Marry A Hidden Billionaire (Alice and Daniel) novel Chapter 203

Chapter 203
Chapter 203
When Alice heard what Molly told them in the ward, she immediately looked conflicted.
Johnny frowned and asked in a low voice, “Is there a problem with Daniel doing the surgery?”
“Well. He’s traveled a long way. I’m worried about his physical condition. How about postponing the surgery to a few days later?” Alice looked at Molly.
However, Molly had already been instructed by Daniel, and she shook her head solemnly.
“Miss Doyle, looking at Mr. Doyle’s current physical condition, he requires timely surgery. Otherwise, his other or ga ns may start to fail due to a weak liver.”
Alice frowned. She did not want anything to happen to her brother.
“Moreover, Mr. Kaur is a perfectly healthy male. As long as he receives good care after the surgery and gets ample rest, he would be able to go back to his normal routine after three days.”
Molly felt a little guilty about lying to Alice. She had never lied before. But Daniel had requested her to spin up stories one after another. She was about to break down.
While Molly was being distracted by her own lies, Johnny had already noticed her restless fidgeting whenever she told a lie.
Johnny pondered for a few seconds and picked up Alice’s hand.
“Since your husband’s physical condition is fine, let’s do the surgery after the transfer to the other hospital. We’ll be in the same ward after the surgery, and it will be more convenient for you to take care of him.”
Molly suddenly started coughing. She turned to look at Johnny
In that instant, she felt even more aggrieved.
Something might happen if the two of them stayed in the same ward!
“Well, all right, then.” Alice nodded. She took a deep breath as if she had set her mind on something.
She then said, “I won’t bring up the matter of the divorce to him until you’re both well again.”
She would be an ingrate if she did that.
Molly heaved a sigh of relief.
Johnny caught that again.
He smirked, and then said with a smile, “Dr. Drea, please arrange for me to be transferred to another hospital as soon as possible. The earlier the surgery, the better it is!”
After all the parties agreed to the surgery, Freddie quickly made the arrangements for the transfer to the hospital.
In the midst of this, Daniel gifted the bouquet of roses to Alice. The latter did not refuse the flowers, but only looked at Daniel with a complicated gaze.
While they were preparing for the surgery, Aidy sneaked up to his father’s side.
He took his father’s hand with a solemn look.
Then, in an earnest tone, Aidy said, “Daddy, this is a rare opportunity! You have to seize it! Remember, since ancient times, true feelings are unreliable. Schemes are the only way to peoples’ hearts. You have to put on a good show!”
Daniel stared blankly at Aidy.
He was surprised by how precocious and street-smart his son was!
His son had out-smarted his father in terms of tricks and schemes.
“Moreover, Alice had mentioned she will not talk about the divorce while you are recovering from the surgery. Remember to act weak with her and pretend to be pitiful! Find an opportunity to confess!”
“Yes!” Daniel nodded.
Just as Aidy finished his speech, Alice came in.
However, Alice came in with a different intention. She looked worriedly and with concern at Daniel.
“You do not have to do this.”
Chapter 203
“No, I can do it.” Daniel interrupted his wife.
Alice looked up at him with a complicated expression. “Thank you for this.”
“A verbal thanks is not enough,” Daniel suddenly said.
“Huh?” Alice was taken aback by Daniel’s reply. She looked at him. “Then, what do you want?”
Daniel approached her slowly. After cornering Alice to the wall, he held her face in his hands suddenly.
Daniel lowered his head.
The tip of his nose gently touched hers.
Alice could feel Daniel’s warm breath on her face and her heart started to beat wildly.
Before she could finish her sentence, Daniel’s placed his fingers down on her lips. “Can you give me a booster?”
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