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Marry A Hidden Billionaire (Alice and Daniel) novel Chapter 75

Chapter 75 

Daniel’s rough fingers were warmer than Alice had imagined. She was stunned and did not know how to react

Daniel lowered his head and looked at the crumbs of cake at the comer of her mouth very seriously. He moved like he was wiping off a piece of art with his fingers, gently and carefully wiping off the crumbs at the comer of her mouth

There are crumbs at the comer of your mouth, Daniel explained after he was done

Alice’s face felt slightly warm. She muttered like a little girl, which was rare for her, You could have told me. I’ll wipe it off myself” 

This was the first time Daniel had seen such a cute expression on her face. He could not help but chuckle softly. I’m afraid you won’t be able to wipe it clean.” 

At the same time, on the balcony of the apartment

The three children looked at the two of them using binoculars

However, from their angle, they saw that Daniel and Alice seemed to be kissing

Benny patted his chest and heaved a long sigh of relief. Then, he slowly pursed his lips and said to his two brothers, Will we have a little sister if Daddy kisses Alice?” 

Coco frowned and said seriously, We won’t have a little sister if they are only kissing 

Benny blinked and asked, Then how can we have a little sister?” 

He wanted to have a little sister

Coco rubbed his chin. They have to sleep in the same room

At the thought that his father and Alice still had to lock the door on each other when they went to sleep, Benny 

immediately had a bitter expression and tears in his eyes. Then it’s over. They won’t sleep together. We won’t have a sister anymore!” 

However, Aidy was not that pessimistic. He blinked and raised his brows like a cunning fox

We can ask GreatGrandpa and GreatGrandma for help!” 

Coco and Benny blinked when they heard this. It was as if they understood something

Then, they nodded at the same time and clapped their hands happily. That’s right. Let’s get GreatGrandpa and GreatGrandma to help!” 

If they did that, their father and Alice would be able to give birth to a little sister for them

When Alice came in, the three children had already returned to their room. Then, they lay there and pretended to be asleep

She gently tucked the children in and gave them a kiss before leaving quietly

The flowers that Daniel gave her were very fragrant. She couldn’t bear to just leave them in her room. She then found the vase she had bought at the auction

She carefully poured some nutrients for the flowers into the vase, trimmed the branches, and then placed the bouquet, which cost several hundred dollars, in a conspicuous place in the living room

Daniel walked out and said in a rare gentle voice when he saw what she did, You like it very much?” 

Well, there probably aren’t many girls who don’t like flowers,” Alice replied

I’ll give it to you once a week in the future. He wanted to buy flowers for her every day, but he felt that their relationship was not in such a bad state

Buying flowers for her once a week should be fine

However, Alice frowned and shook her head. Do you think you’re the richest man in Lonrid? You’ll have worked for nothing for a month if you buy them for me every week” 

Daniel was actually in a good mood when he saw that the girl was worried that his salary was not enough. He said, I’ll be promoted soon

But you still can’t waste it like that! You have three sonsHow many houses will you have to buy when they get married in the future? And the wedding giftsAren’t you going to consider those?Alice said

Their marriage was a little strange. They had not received any wedding gifts at all after their flash marriage. However, this would be different for others




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