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Marry A Hidden Billionaire (Alice and Daniel) novel Chapter 80

Chapter 80 

The director stopped talking to Shannon. Instead, he turned his gaze to the assistant director. We’ve spent a lot of effort on this movie. There’s no need for you to say anything else. You know my decision!” 

Realizing that the director was going to fire him, the assistant director’s face turned pale. He looked around anxiously and finally pounced on Maisic- 

Maisie, you’re the female lead. Hhelp me plead for leniency. As long as you help me, in the future” 

Maisie was horrified when she saw how he was acting. She immediately wanted to take a few steps back and keep a distance from him

Immediately after, she said with a pained expression, Assistant director, it’s not that I don’t want to help you, but this matter is too big. Moreover, it concerns AliceIf she doesn’t agree, you might” 

She was the one who instigated Shannon to frame Alice. She knew that there would be trouble when Alice left safely last night

However, she did not expect the matter to blow up so much. She had lost Shannon as a pawn

Now, the director would definitely not give Shannon and the assistant director a chance. She could not get into trouble herself, so she could only hide and push another wave of hatred toward Alice

Alice! You bitch! It’s youIt’s you who harmed us!Shannon exchanged glances with the assistant director. Then, they pounced toward Alice as if they had gone crazy

However, the director had already asked the production crew to come over. They grabbed the two of them and threw them out of the production team

Alice did not pity them at all when she saw their pathetic state

The director said to everyone, I’m married and have a good wife. I can’t have that kind of relationship with any of you. If you want to scheme against me, you have to consider the consequences!” 

His status in the industry was not as high as some big shots, but it did not mean that he did not have influence

If these celebrities provoked him, he could still make things difficult for them if he mentioned blacklisting them

Therefore, he had to give them some warning

After this incident, the female celebrities in the production team learned their lesson. They knew that they could not drag the director down with them if they wanted to scheme against someone. All of them nodded honestly and expressed that they would do their best for the film

Maisie appeared behind Alice when she was putting on makeup

The woman crossed her arms and said mockingly with a cold expression, Alice, aren’t you afraid of retribution for setting someone up like this?” 

Alice exchanged glances with Linda, who immediately left with her things to give them some space

Then, Alice narrowed her eyes and smiled coldly. She patted Maisie’s shoulder and said casually, Maisie, you should be the one who’s afraid of retribution. After all, it’s all thanks to you that Shannon is where she is today.” 

She deliberately emphasized the last few words

Alice knew that Shannon was stupid, but it was not to the extent that she could think of such a sinister move

The person who gave her the idea must have been Maisie

After all, Maisie had a precedent for doing these things

When Maisie heard this, she immediately exploded with guilt. Alice, what nonsense are you talking about? I’ve always been kind to others in the production team and never provoked everyone. Unlike you, you’re like a vixen, causing trouble everywhere!” 

Oh.Alice chuckled softly. Looks like you don’t have a good memoryThen, do I need to find some evidence to help you recall how kind you were to others?” 

Maisie jumped up like a dog whose tail had been caught. Alice, wwhat do you want!” 

Maisie often bullied people in the production team after she became famous. Many other production teams also had evidence of her evil acts

However, these people did not dare to provoke her, so they did not release the evidence




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