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Marry A Hidden Billionaire (Alice and Daniel) novel Chapter 82

Chapter 82 

Daniel noticed the words Dave Corporationon the shopping voucher. His expression was a little solemn, but he did not care about his sister’s smugness

Alice took a lot. She said that she would share it with everyone! Oh my, our little Alice really knows how to live. The Kaur family has really married a treasure!Rachel was in an unusually good mood

Seeing that she kept showing off, Daniel finally couldn’t take it anymore. He raised his head and reminded, Rachel, the shopping voucher is from the Dave Corporation.” 

Rachel didn’t think there was a problem when she heard that. She blinked and said, Yes, Dave Corporation. I personally monitored the quality control. What’s the problem?” 

Seeing that Rachel thought that the Dave Corporation was better as she endorsed it, Daniel cleared his throat and said, There’s a photo of you showing off your love with your husband this week at the department store.” 

Rachel immediately widened her eyes and slapped her head hard. Then, she bit her finger and spun back and forth guiltily

Daniel, what should we doWon’t we be exposed as soon as Alice goes in? Then what should we do?” 

Her husband ran Dave Corporation

Last month, they held an event to choose the most loving couple. Unexpectedly, their employees were so awesome that they directly pushed her and her husband’s photos to the top

According to the rules, her and her husband’s photos had to be posted in the store to torture single people

Daniel, quickly think of something! Alice is going to the mall. We can’t stop her, but what should we do if we go in and see the photos?Rachel was a little flustered now

Daniel gave her a sidelong glance. You still have an hour. Get them to change the photos.” 

HmmRachel stroked his chin and shook her head. That photo is not so easy to change. I could only ask them to put a big curtain to cover it.” 

Yeah, tell the executives not to let anyone come up and greet you.” This way, he could distract Alice so that the girl would not suspect them for the time being

He had never appeared on Instagram before. Other than his business partners and the people from the top wealthy families, no one else had seen him

Therefore, he was not that worried about being exposed

However, the other people in the Kaur family, especially the sisters, participated in too many activities and had a lot of companies under their name. It was very dangerous

After Rachel arranged everything, she couldn’t help but come over and ask Daniel, Actuallylet’s be honest with her. I don’t think Alice is after your money. You don’t have to be so guarded against her.” 

Daniel tapped his slender fingers on the armrest of the sofa rhythmically. He said melancholically, What do you think Alice will do if we confess now?” 

Divorce Daniel!Alfred reminded him in a low voice

Although he had not met Alice yet, from everyone’s description, he knew that his granddaughterinlaw was a person who would not allow others to lie to her

If Daniel was exposed while they had no feelings for each other, she would definitely abandon him like the free spirit she 


At the thought of this, the old man couldn’t help but shake his head. Why was their family’s child so stupid

At this moment, Josh also called home. He said that he wanted to go home for dinner and feel the warmth of the family

Alfred waved his hand and said to Daniel, Hurry up and leave. Don’t bump into that big mouth!” 

Daniel and Rachel brought the children to meet up with Alice. Josh happened to return to the villa

When he entered the house, he saw that the entire family was neatly gathered. He was a little puzzled

When he went to the kitchen to get Jane to prepare dinner, he found the box of king crabs from before

Eh? Why does this box of king crabs look so familiarI think this was what I gave Alice.” He rubbed his chin and muttered


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