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Marry A Hidden Billionaire (Alice and Daniel) novel Chapter 86

Chapter 86 

Rachel followed them all the way. When she saw Daniel hugging Alice even harder, she kept holding back her laughter. In the end, she could not hold it in anymore. Then she dragged Aidy and Coco to the rest area with the excuse of going to the washroom and laughed her ass off

Aidy, Coco, did you see the look on your daddy’s face?” 

The two kids did not understand what made their Aunt Rachel laugh to tears. At the same time, they tilted their little heads. and stared at her in confusion

Rachel squatted down, pressed her hands on the children’s shoulders, and said with a serious face, Because your father has caten his words! Have you forgotten what he said the other day?” 

The two kids blinked, then showed that they had recalled it

Oh, Daddy said that he wouldn’t like Alice or get jealous

Look, your daddy is hugging Alice more and more tightly, looking like he’s so afraid of losing her. Oh god! I can’t hold my laughter anymore.” Saying it, Rachel felt that such a good thing was worth sharing

Then, she took out her phone, took a photo of them immediately, and sent it to the group chat

William replied immediately, [Geez! It looks like Daniel is clinging to his wife.

Marie texted, [Oh? Didn’t he say he doesn’t care about his wife? What is he doing now? Isn’t it a slap in his face?

Alfred added, [Daniel’s clothes don’t go well with Alice. Tell him to get some new clothes and match them with his wife.

The Kaur family had a heated discussion in the group chat. Then, someone realized that something was wrong

Josh, who was eating fruits in the living room, zoomed in on the photo and could not help but mutter, The girl’s back looks like Alice.” 

William had good hearing. When he heard this sentence, he exchanged glances with his elders warily in no time. Then, he quietly sent a private message to Rachel, the group leader

[Rachel, withdraw the message now. Josh saw it.

Not until then did Rachel realize she had sent the photo to a group chat that Daniel and Josh were in. She decisively withdrew the photos and typed a message in dead earnest

[Sorry, Guys. I’ve sent the wrong message. It was not Daniel and his wife.

However, this looked more like a coverup

Josh rubbed his chin, narrowed his eyes, and began to think carefully

He wasn’t sure of the woman in the photo because he could see her back only. But he knew the guy who had the aura of authority and overwhelmingness even with his back to him

It was Daniel! He was sure of it

For some reason, Josh had a bad feeling at this moment. He quickly took out his phone and sent a message to Alice

[Alice, are you shopping in the supermarket with your husband now?

Alice glanced at her phone and replied, [Yeah.

Josh texted, [Send me a frontal photo of your husband.

After reading the message, Alice glanced at the man beside her and shook her head decisively. [My husband doesn’t like to take photos. Maybe next time.

Josh texted again, [Please! I need to see your husband’s face now. This is very important!

He remembered Alice once said her husband’s surname was Kaur, and he was an employee of the Kaur Group and wasn’t from a wealthy family

At first, he didn’t think a lot about it. He was misled because she said her husband wasn’t from a wealthy family. But then he felt something was wrong, and it couldn’t only be a coincidence

But he still could not figure it out. If Daniel married Alice, why did he have to pretend to be poor? Why did the whole family have to pretend to be poor


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