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Marry A Hidden Billionaire (Alice and Daniel) novel Chapter 89

Chapter 89 

Preston hated Alice’s attitude a lot. His eyes darkened, and he glared at her without a blink

Then he said, Mr. Richards is rich and promising and doesn’t care about your shameful past. He is your perfect choice, but you don’t want him. And you demeaned yourself to be with a toy boy like that! What the hell is wrong with you? You’re so impossible!” 

Alice laughed instead of being angry. Mr. Doyle, you think Mr. Richards is a perfect choice? Fine then. Tell any of your other daughters to marry him!” 

On the one hand, he despised her for being shameless. On the other hand, he wanted to use her to manipulate Travis and bring connections to the Doyle family

Could he be more disgusting

Fiona and the other girls aren’t like you! They’re preserving their moral integrity and waiting to bring glory to the family! But what about you? Look what you’ve done all these years. You’ve been selling yourself in Hollywood and even screwing with a toy boy!” 

Preston’s words were extremely harsh. What are you thinking? How can you do these things to humiliate the Doyle family? How can you disgrace the name of yourself and the family?” 

He had told his men to keep an eye on Alice because he wanted to marry her into a wealthy family and bring more interest to the Doyle family. But what had she done

She had hooked up with a toy boy with three kids, which had pissed him off

Alice’s face looked bloody cold

He said Fiona had preserved her moral integrity. Huh, how sarcastic

He said she had been selling herself in Hollywood and screwing with a toy boy. That was mean

To them, whatever she had done was wrong and useless unless she sold herself and brought fortune to the Doyle family

Preston knew he couldn’t control Alice, so he pointed to the car and roared, You nasty toy boy, read my lips! Do you think Alice will be with you for long? Not on your life! I can fucking kill you any time as long as I am in Lonrid!” 

If you dare to touch them, I swear I’ll get back at your son and cut him! Then you’ll have no grandkids in your life!Alice interrupted him with a cold face

He threatened her and even dared to threaten her loved ones. She couldn’t take it anymore

Did he think she could not deal with people from the Doyle family

When Preston saw Alice’s angry face, he felt an inexplicable chill in the spine. However, he still growled fiercely, Alice, don’t you dare touch your brother!” 

Try me!Alice sneered coldly and glared at Preston firmly

There was nothing she didn’t dare to do when it came to knocking down the Doyle family

Preston never thought that Alice would dare to challenge him then

Damn it

If it weren’t for the fact that this little bitch could still seduce Travis and control him, he would kill her right away! 

Alice, I’m your father. Whatever I’ve done and said is for your good! You’re supposed to be grateful, or elsePreston still talked to her in a threatening tone

But Alice curled up her lips, waved her hand, and opened the door on the passenger seat

Then she said, Sorry, but I choose to be ungrateful!” 

Alice, what the hell are you talking about, you ungrateful girl! Aren’t you afraid I’ll get all of them to shut you out in Hollywood?Preston threatened in rage

However, Alice didn’t bother to listen to what he would say

She smiled at Daniel and signaled him to start the car. Then, she rolled up the window

Seeing Alice’s car going further away, Preston was about to explode and cursed furiously, Damn it! How come I have such an ungrateful daughter!” 

Mark stood beside him, looked much calmer, and said with a long face, Preston, get someone to look into that toy boy. Then, we’ll figure out something and get Mr. Richards to castrate him! By then, Alice won’t be able to be with him again.” 


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