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Marry A Hidden Billionaire (Alice and Daniel) novel Chapter 93

Chapter 93 

While Alice distributed the gifts to the children in the courtyard, Alfred and the others began discussing with Daniel in the house

Daniel, what do you think if I give Alice a gift worth a hundred thousand dollars at the first meeting? Is it good?Alfred was holding a nice box in his hand with a gift inside

Although they were told to pretend to be poor, they still had to give her a gift to show their sincerity

Daniel frowned. Grandpa, it’s too expensive.” 

Alfred heard it and pulled a long face immediately. How can it be too expensive? I think it’s a little too cheap

Hector stood aside and glanced at his wife, Rebecca

At first, Rebecca wasn’t happy with her daughterinlaw Alice, but she saw Alice this day and her concern for Daniel’s three 


Besides, she also found it very interesting when she saw her son Daniel, who was always arrogant and aloof, had willingly played Alice’s driver and porter

So, she wasn’t unhappy with Alice anymore and finally accepted her

She took the initiative to approach them and distributed the gifts she had prepared in advance to the family elders. And she also explained, In an ordinary family, people give gifts of no more than two thousand dollars at the first meeting. Daniel claims to be poor, and I think he’ll be fine if we give Alice a gift worth two hundred dollars. I’ve wrapped the gifts for everyone. And, we would tell Alice we’ve sold one of our cows to buy her gifts if she asked.” 

Alfred and Marie took over the gifts and weighed them in their hands. At the same time, they shook their heads and sighed, looking at Daniel bitterly

Weren’t it for Daniel, they would never give their granddaughterinlaw Alice such cheap gifts

Daniel did understand what his grandparents were thinking. However, he and Alice didn’t get to know each other well yet, so he did not want to let her know too much about him then

He thought if things between him and Alice were going to work out and they fell deeply in love, he would treat Alice fairly and give her the best he had

Grandpa, Grandma, Father, MotherDaniel looked at the gifts in the house again, cleared his throat, and reminded, These gifts are not too expensive or nice. If you don’t like them, please don’t throw them away right now. Later” 

Who said I don’t like it?Before Daniel could finish speaking, Marie interrupted him. I like it very much! I want to use it all the time!” 

I like it, too! I would also like it even if Alice gave me a fallen leaf!Alfred added

The fact was that the Kaur family was not as picky as Daniel had thought

And Alice was very thoughtful in picking their gifts, and they happened to be something they could use. How could they not like them

Marie, do you need my help with lunch?” 

After bonding with the children, Alice came in and asked

She thought she should help with meals since she was part of the family

Oh, you’re so sweet, dear Alice. Daniel’s four sisters have gotten lunch ready. Just make yourself at home and talk to us.” After Marie finished speaking, she pulled Alice in and gave everyone a look

Alice. This is my first meeting gift for you. I hope you like it.Rebecca, the motherinlaw, gave her the gift first

Alice took over the gift, smiled, and said sweetly, Thanks, Rebecca.” 

Rebecca felt her heart melt at that moment

She didn’t have a daughter and had always wanted a sweet girl in the family

Now, her dream had come true

Seeing his wife Rebecca looking so joyful, Hector also gave Alice a gift

Alice thanked him and took over the gift

After that, the other elders in the family winked at Daniel to let him introduce them while giving Alice gifts




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