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Marry A Hidden Billionaire (Alice and Daniel) novel Chapter 96

Chapter 96 

Alice kept murmuring in the car to tell Daniel to slow down, so Daniel remained the speed at thirty miles per hour

When he saw Josh, he immediately stepped on the brake

Alice felt like vomiting from the sudden brake. She patted the car window. Daniel, I feel like throwing up.” 

Okay.Daniel stopped the car and came over to open the door for Alice. He helped her out of the car and watched her bend over to vomit. Then, he patted her back gently to make her feel better

Josh stood at the side and quietly watched Daniel looking after Alice carefully. He had mixed feelings in his heart

Are you feeling better?Daniel held Alice and asked with concern

Alice swayed in a daze. She blinked and finally lay in his arms, unable to say anything

Seeing this, Josh rushed over and tried to pat Alice on the shoulder

However, he saw Daniel holding her in his arms and protecting her

He even brushed her hair with his slender fingers and kissed the top of her hair. He called out softly, Alice” 

However, Alice was completely unresponsive. She let him hug her like that and even parted her lips a little, not knowing what she wanted to say

Josh looked at Daniel and knew Daniel was telling him Alice was his with that kiss

The corner of his mouth twitched severely

He did not expect Daniel to be so guarded against him

Just as he was complaining inside, he saw Daniel carrying Alice in his arms and was about to get into the car

Josh knew that if he didn’t ask today, he wouldn’t have any other chance again

Hence, he rushed forward, raised his hand to stop Daniel, and asked directly, Daniel, you’ve convinced the whole family to lie to Alice with you, right?” 

Daniel turned his body slightly and replied with a look. It was a yes

Josh gritted his teeth. Daniel was a dignified CEO and the wealthiest man in Lonrid, but he had lied to Alice

He had even lied to Alice with the whole family

Daniel, you are keeping the truth from Alice for the convenience of divorcing her, right?Josh stared at Daniel without a blink, clenched his fists, and said the last thing he wanted to hear, From the beginning to the end, you’ve played with her and have never thought of spending the rest of your life with her!” 

Otherwise, why would he lie to her

Upon hearing this, Daniel looked down at the girl in his arms. I’m not playing with her.” 

But he didn’t believe it at first

If you are not playing with her, why don’t you dare to tell her who you are? Are you afraid she’s after your money?Staring at Daniel, who was giving him intimidating pressure, Josh forced himself to continue

Alice isn’t that kind of person! She’s never wanted to get too involved with the rich and influential families!” 

Daniel frowned and looked at the emotional young man opposite him. I know. I’ll explain it to her later when things are going steady.” 

Hearing this, Josh’s face was about to split open

What? He still wanted to wait for things to go steady

Daniel, you know too little about Alice

She can’t accept it if she finds out you’ve lied to her for too long!thought Josh

Before I tell her the truth, I hope you can cooperate with me, okay?Daniel said coldly. Then, he put Alice into the car, started the engine, and drove off

It was midnight


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