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Mated To My Sister's Alpha Fiance (Daisy and Xavier) novel Chapter 141

Chapter 141 


Since Lucas and I don’t have a plan, we just walk straight into the room where his Dad is fighting Lucian. He looks a bit shocked when he sees us

Uhhhwho are you guys?Xavier asks while a gigantic Lucian is pressing him up against a wall

The backup,Lucas says. We are basically here to make sure you don’t send Lucian back to hell but actually get rid of him once and for all.” 

Those words make Lucian snort, and damn, I got to say he is the ugliest demon I’ve ever seen. He looks like a grayish stone giant with rotten teeth and seeing them makes me grateful Lucas isn’t just a demon, but a quadbrid. He is so much hotter than his enormous demon grandpa… 

Woah, look at you daring to be bold and speak your mind!Jinx laughs inside of my head

Hush, I’m trying to focus on the enemy here!” 

Right! Sorry” 

I set my eyes on Lucian, who looks extremely confused. Look, I have no idea who you are, but this battleHe trails off with a gasp. F*cking hell, I know who you are now! You’re my grandson!” 

Xavier widens his eyes at that. Grandson? But that meansHe tilts his head to the side from his spot against the wall. Lucian’s giant hand is pressed into his ribs, but he doesn’t seem to care at all. His sole focus is on Lucas, not Lucian. You’re my son? Shit. You are! I can feel your aura now. It’s like mine, butdifferent.” 

That’s because I’m a quadbrid,Lucas folds his arms over his chest. Anyway, you can call in the others now. We need them to weaken this guy.” 

RightXavier mutters before yelling, YOU CAN ALL COME OUT 


Chapter 141 


The other elemental wolves immediately come to Xavier’s aid. Yato, Logan, Christian, and the old psychic wolf are all impressive. It makes me happy to see them here, but the second I see Aron, my blood runs cold

Don’t waste your time on him,Jinx tells me in an attempt to calm me. He hasn’t raped you yet. This is his past self, someone who hasn’t committed. any crime yet.” 

And how do we know that?!‘ 

I guess we don’t, but we can’t kill him before he has used his powers on Lucian. We need him.’ 

Even if I know Jinx is right, I can’t push back this will of mine to f*cking kill the guy. He is helping the others now, and Lucas is yelling orders at me, but I’m too deep inside my head to listen. The only thing I can think about is Aron. I mean, if I kill him here today, then I will never have to suffer in the future

Skylar, no!Jinx is panicking inside me. We can’t kill Aron in the past. I know he is terrible, but what if you mess up everything else by murdering him?!” 

Again, I hear her, and I know I should probably listen to her, but I can’t. My sole focus is on Aron, who, together with the others, is busy erasing Lucian from this world

Christian is using his psychic powers, weaker than mine but still effective, while Yato is using wind magic. Logan is calling forth the water, and Xavier and Lucas have both shapeshifted into dragons to unleash fire and darkness. Everyone is fighting Lucian, even Aron, who is controlling the earth

You must help them,Jinx says. Open a portal to send down rocks on Lucian’s head or something. Make that giant demon pay for existing!” 

With a decisive nod, I push aside my thoughts of vengeance against Aron for now. My focus should be on Lucian and the calamity that awaits us if 


Chapter 141 

we don’t put him down

Alright, Jinx,’ I mutter inside my head at my wolf, steeling myself. It’s 


Concentrating on the psychic energy within me, I feel a ripple of power surge through my veins as a portal begins to form above Lucian’s head. With each passing moment, the opening grows wider, revealing an ominously dark abyss within

Hey, ugly!I shout at Lucian, momentarily drawing his attention from his assailants. Catch!” 

With a flick of my wrist, dinner platesized rocks start to descend from the portal with increasing speed and intensity. Each stone lands on Lucian 

with a satisfying thud or crack, distracting him enough fo 

Lucas to intensify their attacks without restriction

Xavier and 

Lucian roars in fury and pain, struggling to shield himself from my onslaught while battling against the othersmagics. His rotten teeth gritted and eyes flaring with rage, he looks towards me, his gaze promising 


Meanwhile, Aron has stopped manipulating the earth against Lucian and is now staring at me in awe. He doesn’t know it yet the unspeakable. things he will do to me in the future but seeing his admiration for my power gives me a twisted sense of satisfaction

But there’s no time to revel in this fleeting moment of victory. Lucian is weakening but he isn’t defeated yet. He roars again, shaking the castle. room with his monstrous voice as he charges towards Xavier and Lucas, who stand bravely before him

Skylar! We need more power!Lucas tells me through telepathy

You heard him!Jinx chimes inside my head. Let’s give that monster everything we’ve got!” 

I draw in a deep breath, feeling the very fabric of my being tremble as I summon more energy than I’ve ever wielded before. The portal above 


Chapter 141 

Lucian expands, growing larger and darker, and as I channel all my might into it, a meteorite bursts forth from it, descending upon Lucian with 

undeniable force

This is it. The endgame. Lucian’s reign of terror is over

With a sound like the thunderou 

applause of gods, the meteorite smashes into Lucian, engulfing him in a bright flash of fiery destruction. The entire castle shakes from the impact, and the shockwave knocks most of us off our feet. Dust and debris fill the air, blurring vision and choking breaths. For a moment, there is only silence, a deafening silence that rings louder than any noise

Slowly, our senses return. One by one, we rise to our feet, coughing at the dustladen air

Are you okay?I hear Lucas asks me before he lands behind me in his dragon form. He is huge and scary, but he acts like a puppy and pokes my back with his nose

I’m fine, thanks,I respond, dusting off my clothes. My eyes are still on the debrisfilled area where Lucian had been standing. The silence stretches on for a while longer as we all wait with bated breath for any sign of movement in the dust

Suddenly, the ground shakes and a roar pierces through the silence. My heart drops as I see a figure rising from the debris. It’s Lucian. His body is charred and battered from the impact of the meteorite, but he is still standing. His fiery eyes are filled with malice as he glares at us with unrestrained hatred

It didn’t work?Jinx’s panicstricken voice echoes in my head, and all of our faces mirror the shock of her words

No wayChristian mumbles, his psychic power flickering out. That’s impossible.” 

But every impossible thing seems to be becoming possible today. Lucian roars again, louder this time as if challenging us to dare attack him again


Chapter 141 

We need another plan,” Yato says quickly, his eyes darting back and forth between us and Lucian

Distraction,Lucas suggests, his dragon form shimmering before he shapeshifts back into human form. “We distract him, and someone lands a final blow.” 

His eyes meet mine, a silent question hanging between us. Is he asking me for ideas

I sigh. You’re the strongest one of us, and you’re part angel. Maybe you couldI don’t knowdraw forth light magic to help us? It’s what is missing 

i since your Mom isn’t here.” 

Light magic?Lucas repeats, his eyes widening slightly at my suggestion. II don’t think I can do that.” 

You can!I assure him. And while you figure that out, I will keep Lucian busy with the others!” 

Lucas looks torn, chewing on his lower lip as he casts a worried glance at the enraged Lucian. Finally, he nods, determination replacing fear in his eyes. Okay. I’ll try.” 

As Lucas moves back, retreating into the shadows, I join the others at the front line again. I glance at Xavier, nodding once. He raises his hand, and suddenly, a barricade of fire separates us from Lucian

Prepare for round two,Xavier calls out, his voice echoing within the fire. shield. Logan and Aron, you keep him distracted from different sides. Yato, when I give the signal, you attack him with more of your tornados.” 

Everyone says, Roger!and get in their positions. I open a few more portals to help them while keeping a close eye on Lucas, who is focusing behind me

Only calling forth his angelic side will be hard,’ Jinx tells me inside of my head. But I agree. Light magic seems to be the missing puzzle piece on how to defeat Lucian.‘ 


I nod, though I know she can’t see it. The plan is risky, depends entirely on Lucas’s previously unexplored abilities, and gives Lucian too much time to recover. But we’re out of options

Everything’s up to you now, Lucas,I whisper under my breath, glancing back at him one last time before returning my attention to the task at hand

Xavier drops the flame shield, and Logan and Aron spring into action. They move with practiced coordination, their attacks coming from all sides in a dizzying dance of power and skill


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