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Mates with Alpha Maddox novel Chapter 50

Maddox POV

This can't be happening? More deaths?

I turn to Marco "What the hell were you going to say?"

Marco takes a deep breath "I need to go pee" and with that I slap my fist into his face knocking him out.

I wish he would just die.

I turn to Garret "Take me to the bodies"

He nods and starts walking out of the cellars, I follow behind him.

I feel the anger coming back (not like it ever left) when I realize where we are going.

Garret led me to Sylvia's house.

I actually liked Sylvia.

When we enter her house I see her fragile body on the floor. Hazel eyes wide open but not breathing.

I felt furious. I had know Sylvia for my whole life. She used to always give Nicole and I cookies when we were little and babysat us when my parents were away.

Upon further inspection I see that she has the same puncture wound in her neck that was on the 6 other dead pack members.

I turn to Garret, "Call in an emergency pack meeting in 10 minutes. Everyone who isn't in the panic room needs to attend."

He nods then leaves. I start walking to Nicole's house so I can get Jayda, she needs to be there whenever I make an announcement I should also apologize for how I acted.

I might have been a little bit mean to her.

Just a teeny tiny bit.

Without knocking I try to open the door, only to find it closed.

Of course the door is closed you dumbass, theres a killer on the lose.

Sighing I knock loudly "Open the door Nicole" a few seconds later she opens the door.

"stop being so loud, Jayda is sleeping" Nicole snaps

I sigh and ask "Where?"

"She's mad at you" Nikki answers instead.

"I don't care, where the hell is she?" I snap.

"You're a werewolf, sniff her out. I'm not helping you with shit until you stop being an ass" Nicole snaps then heads to the kitchen.

Instead of going after her to start an argument I follow Jayda's scent that leads me to a room upstairs.

There she was, looking as beautiful as ever with her eyes closed and her hands resting on her huge pregnant belly.

I feel my cold exterior melting, even in times as messed up as this she always makes things better, unless she is outside where she can get hurt.

Sighing I walk towards her, crouching down next to her sleeping form and shake her softly.

"Jayda, wake up" I mumble.

She stirs a bit until her eyes flutter open.

As soon as her gaze lands on me she scowls and sits up. "What are you doing here?"

I raise an eyebrow "I'm here to talk to you"

Jayda rolls her eyes "I don't want to talk to you"

I take a deep breath "Jayda c'mon"

"No, you are being a nuisance right now. And annoying so leave" She snaps but her eyes water when she says that.

Chapter 50: 50 1


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