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Me Before You novel Chapter 49

Anna Stark lay in bed. Daniel Taylor hasn't come back, and she couldn't fell asleep, so she took his cell phone and scrolled for a while.

Tomorrow will be her teacher's birthday. The class was discussing how to help the teacher celebrate his birthday. Anna Stark thought of her teacher, he was also the in-charge of their class and was very kind to her.

He knew that Anna Stark's family's financial condition was not good. He always helped Anna Stark. Sometimes he asked Anna to come to the office to clean up the room and collect all the extra paper sheets, and then ask Anna Stark to sell the waste paper to have some pocket money.

Although it was not much, but it was a kind gesture from the teacher.

Moreover, Teacher Paul often encouraged her and told her that school was her only way out. No matter how difficult the conditions at home, she shouldn't give up on her studies.

He was a person who had a great influence on her.

Anna Stark was hesitant to go. Suddenly, Claire Ashley sent a message in the group, "Anna Stark, aren't you in Jingzhou now? Teacher Paul is so kind to you. Will you come?"

Anna Stark was a little speechless. It was the birthday of Teacher Paul. She knew that she should attend but why Claire Ashley said that to her?

What bad things she wanted to do with her now?

Because Claire Ashley's message, several classmates also sent messages to Anna Stark, "right, Anna, you have to come. You are also a member of the study committee of our class."

After this, Anna Stark left with no choice, she replied, "I will come."

There will be fewer and fewer opportunities to meet in the future. Now it was a good opportunity to meet Teacher Paul.

After seeing Anna's message there was an evil smile on Claire Ashley's face. She sent another message to John Peter, who was playing a video game, "tomorrow is teacher Paul's birthday. Will you come?"

"No." John Peter was in a bad mood, especially just now he had seen Anna Stark's attitude.

Claire Ashley said, "Anna Stark just said in a class group that she will come, why you don’t want to come?"


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