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Me Before You novel Chapter 74

Daniel Taylor rubbed her head and said, "Next time if sister asks you to do this kind of thing, don't listen to her. She's just a liar, and she doesn't know anything."

"A liar?" Anna couldn't believe it. She had listened to Olivia, and she didn't sound like a liar.

Daniel Taylor seriously spoke again, "of course. I will not drink this medicine. Next time if you bring it to me, you will have to drink it in front of me."

Anna calmly listened to Daniel and hurriedly shook her head, "No, it smelled so bad and tasted too bitter, I won't want to drink it."

Although she was a foodie, but she really disliked traditional Chinese medicine.

Daniel Taylor looked at her frightened appearance, she really looked like a little child. He smiled and complained, "You don't like it for your own self but you have the heart to persuade me to drink it. I never did wrong to you!"

"..." Anna felt that he was right, and she did wrong to him. She said, "Okay, I won't bring it next time."

Daniel Taylor nodded contentedly and gave the bowl back in her hand. "Take the bowl down and give it back to her."

Olivia Taylor was downstairs and was waiting for a piece of good news. When she saw Anna coming down, she hurriedly moved forward and asked, "How it goes? Did he drink it?"

"No." Anna shook her head. "Sir said this medicine is useless. And asked me to not bring it again for him."

"How can he know that the medicine is useless without taking it? You didn't persuade him?" Olivia Taylor frowned. She thought Anna would persuade him.

Anna said, "I tried to convince him, but Sir didn't listen."

Actually he not only didn't listen but also gave her a good lesson. She didn't want to offend Olivia Taylor, but she also couldn't offend Sir.

"This man is really difficult to handle," Olivia said.

Anna couldn't help speaking, "the medicine is too bitter. I also can't bear to smell it. I think we shouldn't give it to Sir."


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