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Me Before You novel Chapter 890

Daniel Taylor was completely ignored by his mother and wife. He just looked at this loving mother and filial daughter-in-law in front of him, and he was very moved to see them like this.

Just now he had been punched by Mother Taylor, and his arm was aching. But he also knew that he should be beaten.

He looked around but didn’t see Olivia Taylor anywhere, which made him feel very inexplicable. He went to one side and asked Lisa, "Lisa, I don’t see sister here, where is she? Didn’t she come back with mom?"

Lisa shook her head, "No, I went with the driver to pick up Madam from the hospital. As for the young lady, Master Charles took her home. It seemed that he has found Young Master John. The young lady was afraid that he will be angry with the young master, so she also went back in a hurry."

As soon as Daniel Taylor thought about John Peter, his eyes darkened. With an inexplicable expression in his eyes, he glanced at Anna, who was discussing how to raise a child with his mother. He opened his mouth but he didn’t say anything. He just quietly stood aside and listened to the conversation between the two women.

These two women sitting in front of him, were the people he deeply loved.

One was his mother who gave birth to him and raised him, and the other was the mother of his child. Both of them have a good relationship with each other, which made him admire them. There were some envious feelings, but there were no bad feelings.

"Anna, don’t dislike mom for being too talkative. For a woman, convalesce for a month following childbirth is of great importance. You can’t be careless. Do you understand? And when it comes to feeding the child, it’s better to breastfeed the baby, so that the baby’s health will be better, and you won’t have to take him to the hospital often."

"Mom, I understand these things. I already took leave from school so that I can take care of this child wholeheartedly." Anna said in a low voice.

Mother Taylor was very pleased with Anna’s modest attitude. She nodded and said with a smile, "It should be like this. Otherwise, the stress of your studies might affect you and your child’s health. But Anna, you don’t have to worry. After baby’s birth, I’ll help you take care of him, and you can continue your studies. After all, you are still young. Trust mom, wherever I can help you, I will not hesitate to help you."

Daniel Taylor was quietly listening to them discussing how to take care of the child and how to raise him, and he was speechless. Because Anna was in her first or second month of pregnancy, and there was a long time in their child’s birth. Don’t they think this is too early to discuss these things?

"Mom, the child is only a month or two. Don’t you think it’s too early to say all this?" Daniel Taylor couldn’t help but mutter.

However, he hadn’t thought that just after saying this he would have to bear his mother’s glaring eyes, "Boy, stay out of this. This isn’t something you can meddle in. You were born and raised by me. You have no idea how hard it is for a woman to have children."

This time, Anna didn’t sympathize with him at all, on the contrary, she agreed with Mother Taylor, "Yes. Mom is right! The feeling of morning sickness is unbearable. In this suffering, he even decided to divorce me. At that time, if I didn’t have this child, maybe I would have given up."

Mother Taylor heard Anna saying this and ruthlessly punched Daniel Taylor a few times. Then the man, who was beaten innocently, bowed his head and beg for mercy, but even his pitiful appearance didn’t cool down Mother Taylor’s anger.

Mother Taylor stared at the man who had made a terrible mistake and said in a cold voice, "Anna is so generous that she is willing to forgive such a bastard. If it was me, I wouldn’t give you a second chance. What are you doing here standing like a statue? Why don’t you apologize to Anna? What’s more, if there’s something wrong with my grandchild, no matter what Anna will say, I won’t spare you."

Hence, under the domineering attitude of mother Taylor, Daniel Taylor slowly walked to Anna’s side, "Dear wife, I was wrong. Please forgive me. I promise that it won’t happen next time."

However, before Anna could say anything, he got a kick on his ass. And the owner of that foot was none other than the woman who gave birth to him and raised him, "Aren’t you very good in making a speech? How can you be so speechless and confused this time? What do you mean that it won’t happen next time? No matter how one thinks, it means that there will be another time, is it? Listen to me carefully, if there is a next time, it’s you who will get out of this house. I have recognized Anna as my daughter."

After saying this, she held Anna tightly, with the fear that Anna would suddenly leave.

Anna, who had always enjoyed Daniel Taylor getting a tough time from his mother, was also embarrassed in such a situation. "Mom, don’t do that. I think he has realized his mistake. Besides, it’s my mistakes too."

Anna finally couldn’t help pleading for him.


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