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Me Before You novel Chapter 892

John Peter looked at her coldly, and then in a calm and collected way shook off her hand that was about to grab his sleeve. He said coldly, "I understand! You don’t have to make it so clear. I am leaving."

Then he stood up abruptly and walked towards the gate without looking back.

Anna was shocked for a while, and after that, she hurriedly tried to follow him, "John, wait for a moment."

But John Peter didn’t wait for her. He has opened the door, and unexpectedly he saw Daniel Taylor’s calm eyes in front of him, "John, you…"

John Peter didn’t expect such a scene. He was shocked for a while and after that, he respectfully greeted Daniel Taylor, "Uncle! I came here to see grandma. I’ll leave now."

He said and walked out without looking back.

Daniel Taylor was puzzled. He looked back and saw Anna's appearance like she was about to say something but she didn’t say it. She was standing there, looking very helpless. He hurriedly came to her and asked, "Anna, what’s the matter? Is there something wrong? Are you feeling unwell?"

Anna nodded her head and then, she shook her head, which made Daniel Taylor more confused, "What’s wrong? You are nodding your head one moment and shaking it at the next. It’s hard for me to figure out things."

Anna hesitated for a moment, then pointed to the direction of John Peter’s disappearance and said in a low voice, "Sir, I have said something I shouldn’t have said. I hurt him."

"What did you say to him?" Daniel Taylor held her hand and sat down with her, "By the way, don’t worry about John. He is not such a stingy person."

Anna repeated her words, that she had just said to John Peter, and said "Sir, isn’t it very harsh to say this to someone? I didn’t want to say that, but I just said it. I shouldn’t say anything like this to him." Anna said so and stretched out her hand to slap her face.

But before she could touch her face, her hand was grabbed by Daniel Taylor’s palm.

She raised her head in bewilderment and saw Daniel Taylor looking at herself with a doting look, "Don’t hurt yourself. You are the woman I married and the woman I love dearly. No one, even you, can hurt you. Do you understand?"

"Sir..." Anna, with love-filled eyes, looked at the man beside her and she was really moved by his words, "You are so kind to me, do you have any intentions?"

"Intention? What can I intend? I just want to be nice to you. Besides, you are pregnant and I have seen you suffering so much with my own eyes. I wish I can share the suffering." Daniel Taylor was extremely distressed and slowly mumbled.

"Shh! Stop talking nonsense. This time is a bit hard but I feel very happy and blessed." Anna said with a smile, "In fact, I think you intend to use your warmth and love to keep me beside you forever. Just like this time, you divorced me but I didn’t even want to go out of Jingzhou. In the end, you found me."

After saying that, Anna felt that the strength of his hug was increased again, she moved uneasily. But Daniel Taylor hooped her more tightly.

"Sir, I’m unable to breathe," Anna whispered.

Daniel Taylor did not let her go, but his grip was slightly loosened, "Anna, don’t say anything. I know it’s my fault. If I had not been so impulsive at that time, you would not have to suffer so much alone. You can beat me, or scold me. I have no issues. But never think of leaving me, ok?"

Anna had never heard him say such a long sentence in one breath. At this moment, with tears in her eyes, she hugged him back, "in fact, it is my fault too. If I had answered your phone at that time and informed you about where I was, you wouldn’t have misunderstood me and Henry Michael."

Chapter 892 1

Chapter 892 2


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