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Mistaken Identity novel Chapter 11

I've being at Carter home for a week. I felt like an intruder. The intense stares I got from the servants were so embarrassing. It is obvious they hated me. Ms. Wilson, the ring leader, sometimes would just look at me and shake her at me, when I asked what was wrong she ignored me. Most days Henrique and I stayed in my room and we listen to music and play games. I was falling for this child my sister abandon. He made me happier than I've ever being in my whole life since the accident. He is my pride and joy. I fell for his big green eyes and his dimples.

I look at my sleeping nephew and smile. I brushed his black hair out of his face. He is a beauty. What was wrong my sister thing when she left him here?  Of course she exactly the type who'd leave her child. Ever since she accepted the position at the modeling agency, she was never the same. She started to think about herself and no one else. She started to date elder men. She started to think money was everything. She was a complete different person after four months of working there. She was no longer my sister. She was just a model who happens to look exactly like me.

I sighed and started to play Paradise Bay. After five minutes in the game, I heard a knock on my door. I didn't answer so the person came in.

"Ms. Bisson lunch is ready," Ms. Wilson said at the entrance of my room.

"Henrique, is sleeping." I replied without looking up at the middle-aged woman, who was propbaly giving me a bad eye.

"Ms. Bisson, your lunch is ready. I'll just leave his for when he wakes."

"Ms. Wilson when he gets up I'll eat mine also. Don't worry about the dishes and look at the bright side. You won't have look at me with a bad eye." I finished. I knew she hated me and I didn't want any more of he rubbing it in my face.

She coughed, "Okay, Ms. Bisson." With that she exited my bedroom.

I sighed. My life in hell. If you asked me Ffive years ago, where would my life be I'd probably tell you I'd be married with my first child and be working at one of the biggest Marketing firms in Las Vegas. I  was born and grown in  Vegas before I moved to New York. Now my life was completely different from what I expected. I'm not married, I have no children and I don't have a job. My heart burns at the fact that my life was a mess.

I place my phone beside me and shut my eyes. I let the tears fall.


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