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Mistaken Identity novel Chapter 32

After thirty minutes of driving Alex pulled up in a parking spot. I look around the surrounding and all I saw is boats, boats and more boats. I turn to look at Alex with raised brows and he just grinned at me. He exit the driver's seat and came to open my door. I flash him a smile and exit the car. He carried us over the bay and started to walk on the isle. We walked until we stopped at a boat called Alexandria, my middle name.

I turn to look at Alex and smirk "Who's boat is it?"

"Mine." He held my elbow and we went on the boat.

"Alexandria is my middle name." I told him with a smile. "Why did you know name it Alexandria?"

"Well, my name is Alexandra and this boat is my baby so Alexandria it is."

I laughed. We were on the boat now, he bought me to a table that was candle lit. He pulled out the chair for me to sit, I took a seat and thanked him. He sat in from of me.

"You sure know how to woo a girl." I gesture to the candle lit table. "A dinner under the moon light and on a boat. It's beautiful thank you."

He smiled. "You're welcome. Dinner will not be served until eight so we might as well talk."

"Okay, what do you wanna talk about?"

"Let's play twenty questions." He suggested.

I smile. "You start."

"Okay. What's your most favorite place in the world?"

I thought about it before answering. I never really go anywhere. I never had the time but I remember one trip. "My second year in college, that summer my friends and I went on a cruise to Hawaii and it's the most beautiful place I've ever being. The islands are just breath taking. If I had to choose I think Hawaii would be my choice. What about you?"

"Hawaii is nice, I've being there a few times on beach trips but my favorite place in the world is Paris, France." He said.

"Paris. Why?" I asked. I know Paris is known for its La Tour Eiffel and it's romantic spots but come on. The tower was put there for war reasons.


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