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Mistaken Identity novel Chapter 36

Alex POV

I placed my cars keys on the hook. I'm so happy that I'm home. At home today I could barely focus on my work, my thoughts were on one person and one person only. I don't know what has come over me all of a sudden, I couldn't stop thinking about Kalliyah. Everywhere I go, I seem to be looking at her beautiful eyes. It feels like I've become addicted.

I only had two deals to settle today, one with Dale's Corp and the other with Olan Ltd. After those meetings, I rush to come home to those beautiful eyes and her beautiful smile. Everything about her was beautiful, her personality and traits. The way she took care of Henrique even though he wasn't hers amazed me. She looked at him with love and vice versa. I didn't want this to end. I didn't want her to go back. Weird, I never thought a player like me would be tame and she tamed me. I didn't even see it happened. I have to admit, though, when she first came here, I couldn't stand the sight of her and now all I can think about is her. I don't know if this is healthy or not but they made me happy.

When I was living alone, I never had someone to come home to, someone to watch movies or even eat ice cream with. I was practically a loner. Now I'm happy, I have a family. A family that sounded right. Even though my parents are my family they're never really here. They spent most of their time on an island off of Hawaii, I didn't see them much. When I'm Henrique and Kally, I felt at home like I belong. I don't want this to end. I really think that what Kally and I have is special and I'm going to try and make it work.

"I'm home," I called out but no one answered, so I figured they were probably sleeping. I made my way quietly to Kally's bedroom. I opened the door slowly trying not to make any sound. When the door was opened I frowned when I was the empty bed. I closed her bedroom and went to Henrique's which was also empty. Where the hell were they? I told Kally that if she ever plans to leave the house she should tell me first, but she never called me.

I closed the door behind me and started to look around the house but they were no sign of them. I was getting angry, I hate went people disobeyed me and worse too, is that I came from work just to see them.

I walked over to telephone that was near the kitchen island. I took up the receiver and started to enter Kally's number but I stopped when I looked through my window. I instantly smiled at what I saw. Henrique was on the sand playing while Kally was laying in a chair. My smiled turned into a giggle. Of course, she wouldn't leave without telling me. I placed the receiver back to its original position and started to make my way to the beach.

When I was close by Henrique lift his head from his toys and saw me. I gave him a smile and he giggled. I saw when Kally jumps up a little to look at what was wrong with the baby. I smiled at her motherly instincts, it was clear that she loved him.

When she realize that he was okay, she lay down on the chair again. Poor baby, she must have been tired. Taking care of an twenty months old baby wasn't the easiest thing to do.


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