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Mistaken Match Marrying the Enigmatic CEO novel Chapter 852

Chapter 851 A Bold Promise and a Drastic Move


“The say of our shareholder, Joseph Walker, is correct. We are in a difficult situation because we have terminated our cooperation with the European company. If we cannot attract substantial investments in the short term, Terence Group will face the risk of bankruptcy!”

“I don’t understand why the Quillen family, who possesses cutting-edge technological products in the field of energy, would want to keep them hidden?”

“You’re right. If Ms. Quillen insists on her opinion, I will also consider selling my shares and withdrawing my investment!”

The group of shareholders became emotionally charged, and the atmosphere was chaotic.

Mackenzie also felt overwhelmed when she faced this situation. The Oatley family had indeed struck a nerve at a critical moment.

“Manny, do you have any way to help my sister?”

Beatrix couldn’t help but lean in close to Emmanuel while pleading softly.

She had no other options and hoped that her brother-in-law could work magic.

She didn’t know when it started, but she had already recognized her brother-in-law’s abilities in her heart and had unrealistic expectations of him.

Emmanuel also felt heartbroken for his wife, and his mind was racing.

He was not skilled in business, but he had to find a solution for his wife at this time.


In the end, Mackenzie couldn’t withstand the pressure any longer. She also knew that if she couldn’t stabilize these shareholders, Terence Group would be defeated once they truly sold their stocks and withdrew their investments, and she and her grandfather would be powerless to turn things around.

To her surprise, Emmanuel spoke up first. “Rest assured, everyone. Even if the Oatley family terminates our cooperation, we can quickly find an alternative extraction enterprise. It will not affect the timely delivery of our energy products!”

15:50 Tue, 17


Everyone present was shocked upon hearing his words.

Mackenzie was no exception. Does he know what he is saying? Is he unaware of the current situation of the Terence Group?

Although the extraction technology of the Oatley family was not a monopoly, the companies that possessed the relevant technology had long been controlled by a mysterious financial consortium. Terence Group could not secure these enterprises in the short term.

But he didn’t care about these and confidently continued, “Mackenzie and I guarantee that we will maintain last year’s profits and even increase them by ten percent. So, you don’t need to worry about dividend income!”

Oscar finally sneered at his words and said coldly, “Who do you think you are? Do you think we will believe what you say?”

Beatrix was also frustrated and stomped her foot.

Not to mention these shareholders, even I cannot believe it! It is already difficult for Terence Group to maintain its non-bankruptcy status, and now you’re saying the profits will increase by another ten percent. Does that mean the group will make a net profit of more than 3.3 billion this year?

“Well, can you believe what I say then?” At this moment, Mackenzie stood up with her icy and serious expression.

The scene fell silent once again.

Even Lexi, who was outside the door, was a little shocked. Ms. Quillen has never been so impulsive before. How can she say such things today?

“Mackenzie, are you joking?”

After realizing what was happening, Oscar had a smile that didn’t reach his eyes.

“Have I ever joked with you?”

She made him feel embarrassed and annoyed with just one sentence. This had caused him to snort.

The scene fell silent once again.

Even Lexi, who was outside the door, was a little shocked. Ms. Quillen has never been so impulsive before. How can she say such things today?

“Mackenzie, are you joking?”

After realizing what was happening, Oscar had a smile that didn’t reach his eyes.

“Have I ever joked with you?”

She made him feel embarrassed and annoyed with just one sentence. This had caused him to snort

“Alright, then, if this year’s profits cannot exceed last year’s by ten percent, I will resign out of guilt! Meeting adjourned!”

She left the conference room after leaving these words.

Chapter 852 The Quillen Family’s Verdict

The shareholders who were present were speechless. After all, Mackenzie represented the largest shareholder and served as the group’s CEO. So, they had no choice but to believe even she had made such a statement.

The news of the shareholders’ meeting quickly reached Terence’s ears.

Mackenzie had received a call from her grandpa before leaving the company, asking her and her sister to return to the Quillen residence immediately.

“Be prepared!”

Mackenzie and her sister entered the Maserati and said to Emmanuel, who was driving, “It might be a criticism conference!”

She was feeling conflicted at the moment. In fact, she didn’t believe the bold words he had said at the shareholders’ meeting. But as his wife and Beatrix’s sister, she had to stand by them no matter how difficult.

“I understand!”

He nodded with his expression somewhat solemn but not panicked.

He understood his wife’s thoughts and knew what they would face next. However, he had a calmness that ordinary people didn’t possess when facing such storms after having experienced fewer emotional ups and downs.

She also noticed his characteristics and became increasingly curious about what he had experienced in the past.

He does not seem like a failed retired soldier at all!

The three of them returned to the Quillen residence. The Quillen family’s main meeting hall was already prepared, and the Quillens were waiting there.

Aunt Stephanie, the top lawyer in Yeringham, had an expressionless face.

Aunt Sofia, the deputy city leader of Yeringham, had a serious expression.

Aunt Samantha, the big boss of the jewelry industry, looked anxious and worried.

Aunt Sophie directly snorted and looked down on Emmanuel upon seeing him following behind Mackenzie.

Aunt Hannah stared at him with hatred, as if she wanted to skin him alive.

Felicity was also there, looking at her daughter and Emmanuel returning together. Her expression was the most complicated.

Terence’s expression was also very solemn. As the head of the family, he said, “Mackenzie, Emmanuel, come to sit beside me and give me a report on the key points of today’s shareholders’ meeting!”

The shareholders’ meeting of Terence Group was naturally of great concern to the Quillen family. After all, it was the backbone of the Quillen family’s fortune and determined the life, death, and prosperity of the Quillen family.

“Yes, Grandpa.”

Mackenzie’s expression was cold as she briefly recounted what had happened that day.

Of course, due to her personality, she only focuses on the main points and does not bother with details or explain too much about them.

“Emmanuel! How dare you hit someone at the Terence Group shareholders’ meeting? Do you know that Oscar is Mackenzie’s uncle? His mother is Mackenzie’s grandaunt!”

Hannah was the first to reprimand him angrily.

Beatrix saw everyone glaring at Emmanuel, so she quickly stood up to explain to him. “Don’t blame my brother-in-law; blame me! Oscar started the fight with me, and my brother-in-law only fought back. Moreover, he presented evidence and let Oscar thrown into jail!”

“Well, Emmanuel, you did well in this matter!”

Terence was fair and decisive, so he gave a final verdict on Emmanuel’s act of violence at the shareholders’ meeting. “It will not be forgiven if he bullies my Quillens, no matter who he is! It’s good to get rid of him, especially since he is a troublemaker in the company.”

“Thank you, Grandpa, for your praise.”

Emmanuel confessed, “When I acted then, it was just a spontaneous decision.”

“A spontaneous decision?”

Sophie caught onto his words and said coldly, “And then you spontaneously spouted nonsense? Do you know that energy extraction technology can easily be blocked? How dare you make baseless claims that you can solve this problem?”

Hannah also chimed in. “Since you boasted about it yourself, solving it’s up to you. Please leave the Quillen family if you can’t resolve the Terence Group issue! A useless man like you, who only knows how to boast, is not worthy of being the Quillens. I’m truly disgusted by you!”

15:51 Tue, 17 Oct turà

Chapter 853 A Different Way of Expressing Her Belief


The Quillens were a very dignified family, so Hannah resorting to words like ‘waste’ and ‘disgusting’ to describe Emmanuel demonstrated the extent of her disgust towards him. In the past, she wouldn’t have bothered expressing her emotions towards someone she looked down upon.

Emmanuel also felt uneasy since Hannah was still Mackenzie’s relative and aunt, so Hannah’s strong aversion toward him would also impact his relationship with Mackenzie. Meanwhile, Mackenzie was discreetly observing Emmanuel’s expression; after all, compared to the other members of the Quillens, she cared more about Emmanuel’s feelings.

“Hannah, please don’t speak so harshly!” Samantha wasn’t concerned about Emmanuel’s feelings but Mackenzie’s. “If this matter can’t be resolved and the shareholders withdraw their investments, Terence Group will truly face bankruptcy. This is not the time to be stubborn. Let’s find a solution together.”

“Aunt Samantha,

handle this!”

no need to worry!” Mackenzie finally broke in. “As the CEO of Terence Group, I will

“Mackenzie, do you have a solution?” Samantha’s eyes immediately lit up.

Mackenzie nodded, her expression slightly serious.

Sophie and Hannah became even angrier at how their niece was clearly attempting to defend Emmanuel, a


“Mackenzie, do you really have a solution?” Moira rarely spoke up during family discussions and rarely got involved in business matters, but she couldn’t help but ask for confirmation after seeing Mackenzie’s expression.

Mackenzie hesitated for a moment. In reality, she hadn’t thought of an effective solution yet.

Terence was well aware that if not for the other business partners terminating their cooperation one after another, the Quillens wouldn’t have sought out Oatley Corporation, which was only of average strength. However, even the Oatleys had betrayed the Quillens. He, an experienced old man, couldn’t do anything, much less his granddaughter, who had fewer connections and less business experience.

“Don’t worry, I have a solu

It was Emmanuel’s turn to help Mackenzie out of the predicament. He promised confidently, “Since you all think that I’m not worthy of Mackenzie and want me to leave her, then I’ll take responsibility for this matter and solve it myself! If I succeed, I hope you won’t say such things again!”


Everyone in the Quillens was shocked.

Felicity looked at her son-in-law, starting to see him in a different light. Frankly, she had looked down on him for being a man of humble origin who couldn’t even afford to buy good tea for his mother-in-law. Yet, he somehow could afford it, secretly proving her wrong. She believed that he hadn’t used Mackenzie’s money to do so, and now, he was daring enough to offer to take care of this business matter for Mackenzie.

Did he really possess some hidden ability?

“Emmanuel, do you know what you’re saying?”

“Emmanuel, do you know what you’re saying?”

Beatrix became anxious when he made that promise again. It wouldn’t matter much if he broke his promise at a shareholders’ meeting since he wasn’t a member of Terence Group. However, if he did so in front of the family elders, he would have no chance of being with Mackenzie. She didn’t care whether he deserved Mackenzie or not; it was enough as long as Mackenzie liked him and was willing to be with him. Beatrix just wanted her siste to be happy, so why did her brother-in-law insist on making such promises again and again?

“I know!” Emmanuel replied solemnly and then turned to Mackenzie. “Mackenzie, I hope you will believe me th time!”

Mackenzie had been forcing herself to maintain a poker face while her heart was actually in turmoil. Unable resist the sincerity in his eyes, she finally turned her head slightly. “Whatever!”

That was a different way of expressing her belief in him.

“Okay, that’s what you said!”

lura lura

Chapter 854 Recognition

Hannah readily agreed. “If you can resolve this matter and help Mackenzie, I will no longer oppose you two being together!”

Sophie scoffed, “If Hannah doesn’t object to it, then it won’t matter, even if I’m the only one doing so, right?”

“Good, then I’ve made my decision.” Terence had the final word and turned to Emmanuel. “Next, we will have a family meeting. Emmanuel, you may explore the surroundings for a while.”

Emmanuel nodded and stood up, leaving the meeting room. He still couldn’t gain recognition from the Quillens, and they still didn’t want him involved in matters concerning core interests and secrets, which made him very uncomfortable. He genuinely loved Mackenzie, so when would they be able to live like an ordinary couple?

The next topic the Quillens discussed was preparing funds since they still had to take precautions even though Terence and Mackenzie chose to trust Emmanuel. If Emmanuel failed and the shareholders started selling stocks, the Quillens had to unite to stabilize the company’s stock price. Unfortunately, Terence Group had a market value of tens of billions of dollars, so even if the other Quillens were willing to take over, they might not have the capability.

“My law firm has made some profits in recent years, so I can contribute about 60 million.” Stephanie, as the eldest daughter, took the lead in expressing her stance.

“Although I am the deputy mayor, I can’t compare in terms of financial strength since I only have 60 million in savings and can’t contribute any more!” Moira’s statement was acceptable to everyone. If she contributed millions, she would probably be investigated.

“Dad, I can contribute at least 225 million. If it’s still not enough, I’ll find a way to squeeze out some more!” Samantha’s words shocked the other members of the Quillens.

Felicity was envious since her assets as the Quillens’ daughter-in-law couldn’t even compare to one-tenth of Samantha’s.

“Alright, what about Sophie and Hannah?” Terence was very pleased with his three daughters. Sophie was always the most reliable one while dealing with important family issues.

“I can contribute 70 million!”

“I can contribute 45 million!”

The two women also expressed their stances, although they seemed unhappy.

“What about you, Felicity?” Samantha then turned to Felicity.

Felicity’s hands, which were on her lap, suddenly gripped her skirt tightly. Biting her lip, she deliberately put on a cold expression. “I-I don’t have any money!”

“What?” Hannah was the first to exclaim in astonishment and glared at Felicity, while the other Quillen women also frowned.

Samantha slammed her hands down on the table. “Felicity, what do you mean by that? Did you come back to the Quillens just to take advantage of us? Whenever there are things to be divided in the Quillens, you are the most proactive, but when it comes to raising money in difficult times, you just sit back and do nothing.”

Felicity reeled herself in while Mackenzie looked at her mother, torn between wanting to speak and remaining silent without knowing which side to take.

“What?” Hannah was the first to exclaim in astonishment and glared at Felicity, while the other Quillen women also frowned.

Samantha slammed her hands down on the table. “Felicity, what do you mean by that? Did you come back to the Quillens just to take advantage of us? Whenever there are things to be divided in the Quillens, you are the most proactive, but when it comes to raising money in difficult times, you just sit back and do nothing.”

Felicity reeled herself in while Mackenzie looked at her mother, torn between wanting to speak and remaining silent without knowing which side to take.

“Felicity! Since you are unwilling to help us, then leave! The Quillens don’t need someone like you!” Samantha pointed directly toward the door.

The atmosphere became tense once again, even more so than before. This was because everyone’s disgust towards Felicity ran deeper than their disdain for Emmanuel.

Felicity’s thighs were almost swollen from how tight she was gripping them. She suppressed her anger. Why had Samantha treated her so harshly compared to how she treated Emmanuel?


As the mistress of the family, why did she have to endure mistreatment from them every time?

Chapter 855 Cross My Fingers

“She’s right, Felicity! You have no right to hang around us after you give us nothing in return!”

“Go back to your beloved Lenoir family and leave the money to them all you want!”

Sophie and Hannah jumped at the chance to second Samantha’s words when Felicity refused to budge.


Felicity, who had had enough of them, finally burst. She slammed her fist on the table as she pushed her chair back, pointing an accusing finger at the Quillens. “You’re one to talk. Over the years, you Quillens have never granted me any real power or provided any financial aid to me! You give me nothing! Not even a share of my husband’s inheritance! Now that you need money, you finally remember that I exist, huh? Where do you want me to get that money? Do you really expect me to ask the Lenoir family for money only to help you?”

At last, she harrumphed and concluded, “Come to think about it, some people here are truly shameless. I believe I don’t even need to point it out.”

Both sides almost started arguing again. Before Terence could stop them, Mackenzie coldly interrupted them. “That’s enough!”

Her voice was gentle, and she didn’t have the air of dignity as her grandfather. Even so, the intensity of her aura managed to hush the elders. “Just keep the money for yourselves. I’ll find another way to solve the crisis of the Terence Group.”

After that, she left the table and walked away.

Watching her retreating back, the Quillen sisters and Felicity sneered at each other one last time before turning their heads away.

“That’s all for today.” Terence had no patience for a catfight. So, he rose to his feet and returned to his room. with Alfred’s help..

The worried look on his face didn’t go unnoticed by Alfred. The butler couldn’t help but console his master. “Old Mr. Quillen, you once said you wanted to pass the baton to the younger generation. What are you still worrying about?”

Terence heaved a long sigh at Alfred’s question. “I did intend to do so, but the challenge is overwhelming. I’m afraid they lack the experience and capabilities to overcome the challenge.”

“But I have faith in Emmanuel and Ms. Mackenzie.”

Alfred clasped his hands under his sleeves as he slowly elaborated, “Old Mr. Quillen, you’re too involved that you couldn’t see things from another perspective. Do you remember Emmanuel’s attitude? He wouldn’t have exuded such confidence if he was bluffing.”

Alfred’s words took Terence aback, but he eventually nodded.

Truth was, Emmanuel’s confidence earlier caught his eye as well. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have stayed silent and allowed Emmanuel’s speech.

“Old Mr. Quillen, just relax!” Alfred continued, “Have faith in your judgment. Since you have made your choice, the best we can do now is wait and see.”

Convinced, Terence let out a sigh of relief and chuckled. “You’re right. Since there’s no turning back, I might as well cross my fingers.”

Meanwhile, Emmanuel was waiting for Mackenzie in the courtyard’s parking lot.

Meanwhile, Emmanuel was waiting for Mackenzie in the courtyard’s parking lot.

He didn’t have to wait long before she walked out of the manor.

As she approached him, he cast her a smile.

“You fool, there’s nothing to smile for!” She immediately scolded him when she noticed his smile, “Are you out of your mind? How could you say such things not once but twice? Your ignorance for sure got the best of you that you didn’t suspect any potential challenge! Do you have any idea what a technology blockade is?”

Emmanuel was at a loss for words after Mackenzie shot him a series of questions. It took him a while to process her words. When he finally spoke, he didn’t expect to hear the exact same words from her. “Anyway, I’ll handle this matter-”

As they trailed off, the pair stared at each other in disbelief. Funny enough, they blurted out at the same time again. “That’s my line!”

The coincidence surprised them.

A thin smile cracked Mackenzie’s beautiful but cold face before she burst into laughter.

Emmanuel was mesmerized by this side of her, and he couldn’t tear his eyes from her face. She’s beautiful.

Little did he know, his sister-in-law, Beatrix, had followed Mackenzie out of the manor and happened to witness their interaction.

Chapter 856 Trust Me Just This Once

“My, my, are you two lovebirds trying to torment me, a single woman, by being all lovey-dovey?”


At first, Beatrix was worried that Mackenzie and Emmanuel had put themselves under too much pressure, but to her surprise, they found joy in little coincidence. Is this the power of love?

“You fool, how are you going to handle this? If we can’t find any company willing to handle logistics for us in five days, it’ll delay the shipment. In that case, we’ll need to pay a large compensation.”

After she had a hearty laugh, Mackenzie put on a stern face, trying to intimidate Emmanuel into speaking the truth. Is he just talking nonsense, or does he have a plan?

“Five days?” Emmanuel murmured as he frowned. Then, he eventually answered with a firm nod, “It shouldn’t be a problem.”

What a fool! His overconfidence will kill us! Mackenzie stared at him, trying to find a sign of him joking, to no avail.


Emmanuel didn’t need words to understand what went on in her mind. He gently squeezed her shoulder and/ promised, “Mackenzie, relax and trust me just this once, will you? I genuinely care about you, so I wouldn’t joke about something like this!”

His words blew her mind. She was unprepared for his sudden declaration of love. It struck her, causing her mind to go blank, unable to respond.

Emmanuel studied her delicate face in proximity as he felt his heart pound faster.

As if possessed, he drew himself closer to her. Terence’s words rang in his mind. Be bold, and go for it!


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