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Mommy, Where's Daddy? The Forsaken Daughter's Return novel Chapter 113

"Doctor? How is it?" Ethan asked after the doctor came back in with the results of Samantha's recent laboratories.

The doctor sat on his desk and reviewed the documents. After a while, he answered, "Everything is normal, and it has been for more than a year now."

With a smile on his face, the doctor added, "I suppose it's safe to say that the Kannareth disease will no longer manifest."

While Samantha was pregnant, she had monthly laboratories done, just to keep her health monitored.

Shortly after giving birth, they have switched to quarterly visits to the doctor, and thankfully, Samantha showed no signs of the Kannareth disease.

The doctor scoffed and declared, "So the pregnancy may have really helped!"

"We think so, doctor. In fact, BNU pharmaceuticals are already looking into this angle." Ethan leaned back in his seat and told, "I have even funded their research so more women who are affected by this illness will find a solution, other than... getting pregnant."

"I am just relieved I am better and have been. Not only did I have two more great children, but I am back to health." With a heavy sigh, Samantha added, "Steven Wright certainly gave me the scare of my life. I hope he continues to rot in jail."

Ethan reached for Samantha's hand and swore, "Don't worry, hon. From where they are now, they wish they were practically dead." He raised his chin and added, "That is what they get for messing with my family and a daughter of the General."

While battling pregnancy and caring for the twins, Ethan and Daniel also had to go back and forth to the courthouse, dealing with the case filed against Steven and Sawyer Wright.

Lawsuits were always a long process, but at least both were convicted and stripped off of their wealth.

Following Braeton courthouse's decision, and along with Ethan and Winfield's connections, Steven and Sawyer were sent to the most isolated prison in the country; one fit for high profile criminals.


Seas away, on an island prison where convicted drug lords, murderers and sexual offenders were locked up, Steven Wright and his father were having a discussion over lunch.

Steven angrily placed his tray of food on the table and grumbled, "Again, its porridge. Can't we at least get some... some special treatment around here?"

His lips trembled before sneering, "Dad, you have to do something! You just have to!"

Sawyer slammed his hand against the table and retorted, "We don't have any money left! All of it is gone! Our very last cent - we used it to pay off good attorneys, but still - still! We are here behind bars!"

He reached for his son's collar and reminded him, "If you only followed our original plan and not mess with the General's daughter! We would not be in this hell hole!"

Sawyer pushed Steven back in his seat and commanded, "Stop complaining!"

"You two! Keep it down!" A correctional officer called their attention, pointing a gun at them for warning.

Above all, many inmates were staring at them, eavesdropping on their conversation.

Only then did Steven settle his emotions and forcing himself to eat his porridge. He muttered as he did, "How come the drug lords have chicken? Fuck."

From behind them, a man suddenly spoke, catching the attention of the father and son. "It's because you offended the general. He will never allow you to receive any special treatments of some sort. Not that he is taking sides. He doesn't know others are eating chicken."

Sawyer and Steven looked behind them to find a man with jet-black hair, also eating the same porridge as them. They both heard him say, "Trust me on that, I am suffering the same consequences as you."

"Who are you? And... how did you offend the general?" Probed Steven while raising his brow.

"I'm Blake Taylor. My family is old rich, yet despite our connections, the Wrights and the General managed to turn our business into bankruptcy." Blake finished his food before he suggested, "It doesn't matter who I am and what I did. The point is... we are all doomed."

Blake then pointed out to the drug lord, eating with a group of inmates five tables away, and suggested, "You can try your luck, gaining Ramon's favor over there. His friends get chicken and... a lot more."

After keeping his tray, Blake left Steven and Sawyer to ponder on his suggestions.

Chapter 112: Back To Health 1


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