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Mr. Burns Is Killing His Wife novel Chapter 16

Chapter 16 - Elisa Was Dying

Elisa loved Hamish deeply, carefully keeping him in her heart for sixteen years. This secret was known to no one.

Elisa looked up and cried out wildly. She suddenly reached out to Hamish, but before she could touch him, the man in front of her recoiled in disgust to avoid her hand.

Elisa grasped at the empty air, raindrops falling onto her hand, the cold seeping into her heart.

In that moment, Elisa felt they were so far apart, out of reach. Even if she spent her whole life trying, she could never catch Hamish.

Just like the rain in her hand.

She looked up at Hamish's icy face and choked out word by word, "Hamish, I'm in so much pain."

Hamish only frowned deeply. He didn't believe Elisa's words. After all these years, he knew Elisa very well. He knew she was afraid of pain and suffering, but kneeling for half an hour wouldn't kill anyone.

"Elisa, stop pretending. You're making it seem like you're dying just from kneeling for half an hour. Don't worry, your father won't die. You can stand up now."

Her body felt pierced all over by needles, pain everywhere, but her heart hurt the most. That piece of flesh seemed to have already rotted away.

Elisa was still smiling, but her smile was uglier than crying.

Hamish didn't understand why Elisa was smiling. For some reason, he hated that smile. It made him feel annoyed.

"Crazy!" Hamish cursed and reached out to grab Elisa's arm. Only then did he realize her body was as cold as ice.

Elisa's laughter stopped abruptly. Her upper body swayed and Hamish couldn't catch her. He watched helplessly as she collapsed sideways into the puddle like a ragged doll.

Elisa stopped laughing. She didn't move at all, her whole body limp on the ground, deathly still.

Her mouth hung open as blood poured from it in spurts, dyeing the puddle under her face a shocking red.

Hamish's body stiffened, as if struck by a sledgehammer. His mind spun dizzily, watching the scene before him felt unreal.

Ultimately, his body reacted faster than his mind. He threw down his umbrella and picked Elisa up. Soaked with rain, she didn't weigh much more than before. Her face was white enough to see the tiny blood vessels underneath.

"Elisa!" Hamish's eyes were bloodshot. He didn't even realize how much his voice was shaking, filled with fear.

He didn't dare delay one bit, carrying her ravaged body as if fleeing for their lives and putting her in the car.

Tobias was observant and took the initiative to be their driver.

Elisa leaned limply against Hamish, her seaweed-like long hair spread over his chest. Her eyebrows drooped sorrowfully over half-closed eyes.

She looked deeply at the man holding her. Her eyelids grew heavier but she didn't dare close them. She was afraid that if she did, she would never open them again. She used her last shreds of willpower to look at Hamish, wanting to engrave his last image in her heart as she faded away bit by bit.

"Hamish, do you know... sixteen years ago Elisa really, really liked you. She liked you for sixteen years. Now she... doesn't have the strength to like you anymore," Elisa said wetly, trembling as she finished.

It's said that interfering with someone's marriage brings divine retribution. She didn't believe it before, but now it came.

But she didn't do anything terribly wrong. She just liked someone too much for a whole sixteen years.

She was rambling again. Elisa had told him more than once that they had known each other sixteen years ago, but he had never met her sixteen years ago!

Elisa's vision grew blurred as she gradually sank into darkness. She could no longer see Hamish's troubled expression.

Her chest suddenly convulsed and another mouthful of blood spurted out, staining Hamish's shirt red.

"Elisa, what's wrong with you?" Hamish anxiously tried to wipe the blood from her face, but the more he wiped, the more blood appeared. Both his hands were stained red but he couldn't wipe it away.

He was drenched in cold sweat, eyes bloodshot. For the first time, he felt how fragile human life was. The Elisa in his arms seemed on the verge of death.

Chapter 16 - Elisa Was Dying 1

Chapter 16 - Elisa Was Dying 2


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