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Mr. CEO, You're Just A Substitute novel Chapter 182

The food is just about ready, and the soup and rice are ready.

Filip This person looks reserved, but is not a completely pampered master.

Starry cooked, and he had the good sense to take the dishes out of the dishwasher and rinse them.

The porcelain vessel holding the soup was a bit heavy, and the soup was hot when poured in. Filip carried the porcelain bowl out directly after Starry poured the soup out.

Starry took the spoon and subconsciously turned her head to look at him.

When she went out with the bean sprouts, Filip had already finished serving the soup.

It was still raining, and it was already dark outside.

Starry took his seat and bowed his head to drink his soup.

Filip is not a talkative person, and she doesn't say much to Filip.

The table was quiet, with only the sound of two people's chopsticks and soup spoons.

Filip took a sip of soup and looked at Starry across the table, and couldn't help but remember the two years when they were first married, Starry was bringing him lunch to the office at least three days a week.

He mostly sends it to Austin and eats the take-out Austin orders for him.

He remembers that at the beginning, Austin did not know why, and also praised Starry's skill a few times, home-cooked dishes are more tasty than others.

He hated hearing people say Starry was good at that time, because the more people said Starry was good, it only made him feel more sarcastic.

So "good" a person, but is just taking money to do things.

Later, Austin probably figured out what he was thinking, and every time he "handled" Starry's meals, he would go to the pantry, not to mention saying "Mrs. Pearson is really good, this meat is delicious! Pearson's cooking is really good, this meat is delicious." These words.

Old memories came to mind and Filip had a very unpleasant meal.

Starry also has little appetite, she had a bowl of soup, a bowl of rice are a little difficult to swallow.

It had nothing to do with Filip, who knew her bad moods were back in full force.

The bad illness made her not only in a bad mood, but even her appetite was extremely bad.

If Filip hadn't been there, there would have been someone else in the house, and she would have had a bit more decency to maintain, and she might not have been able to eat even half a bowl of food.

Both of them had their own thoughts, and the dinner was not very good.

Filip eating is not slow, but this meal he ate for a full twenty minutes.

After putting down his chopsticks, he collected his thoughts and looked up at Starry who was still eating across the table, "I'm sorry."

For his sudden apology, Starry did not react for a moment.

She also looked up at him, their eyes met in the air, and Starry swallowed the meal inside his mouth, "More than apologizing, I'd like the two of us to cross paths a little less in the future."

Filip knew she had misunderstood, he had never liked to explain, but with Starry, he had a rare urge to explain: "I'm not apologizing for that."

He said, paused, and opened his mouth with a few astringent words, "The lunch you used to bring me, I hardly ever ate."

Starry froze for a moment, so many years ago, she is almost to.

She used to send Filip's lunch, all for Austin to eat, this thing, she already knew.


She responded indifferently, with a faint expression on her face, looking unconcerned: "It's all in the past."

Filip moved his right hand, the emotions inside his black eyes tumbled, and he opened his mouth with a voice that was already more than a little raspy: "I'm sorry for a lot of things in the past."

Starry didn't want to eat anymore, she slowly put down her chopsticks, and to Filip's apology, she only had the words, "It's over."

Who is right and who is wrong, it is simply not clear.

She wasn't that good to him, either.


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