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Mr. CEO, You're Just A Substitute novel Chapter 221

Izabella took the phone and glanced at the caller ID, "It's an unknown number."

Starry nodded, "Well, it's called twice."

Hearing Starry's words, Izabella also understood that if she hung up again, the other side would also call again.

She pressed the answer button and also the speakerphone button.

Since Starry let her answer the phone, that means he didn't mind letting her listen.


"Starry, it's me!"

The person on the other side didn't hear Izabella's voice, but Izabella heard it was Lucia at first.

Izabella's face went cold, "Starry is driving, what do you want with her? As far as I know, Miss Scott, you have just been released from prison, right? Since you've just gotten out, you should behave yourself and not make any more trouble!"

Really, the Scott family has exploded, and Lucia is still in the mood to find Starry.

Lucia on the other end of the phone heard Izabella's voice and realized the call was not answered by Starry, she panicked for a moment, but only for a moment: "Miss Baxter, please tell Starry to call me back when she is free, I have something here, I believe Miss Bradley she very interested."

Izabella was going to ask what was going on, but Lucia just hung up the phone.

Starry listened the whole time, and she glanced at Izabella: "Don't care."

Izabella frowned, "She doesn't know what she's holding back again."

Starry laughed: "She's all about one more brother, Henry's illegitimate son picked up the Scott residence, and Rowan's heir's identity will not be preserved."

Speaking here, Starry paused: "What's more, that lover of Henry's, can accompany Henry for so many years, the means must also be not simple. I think Miss Scott her next, should not have so much thought to find me trouble."

"That's true."

The Scott family does have a lot going on.

Starry told Izabella to stop thinking so much and not to let Lucia affect her mood.

Izabella originally wanted to comfort Starry, but I did not expect the other side to turn around and explain themselves, she was a little embarrassed.

Along the way, Izabella didn't mention Lucia as an unappetizing person.

Soon, the car arrived near the restaurant.

Starry parked the car, got out with Izabella, and then went into the restaurant.

The two separated as soon as they entered the store, Starry was two tables back from the table where Izabella was matched, separated by some distance and a cut-out screen to block it.

Starry can see Izabella's side of the story, but not too close to be too offensive.

Izabella's date is the son of a new friend whom Mrs. Baxter met during a poker game last month.

Mrs. Baxter and the man's mother met at once, the two talked about their children, it just so happens that one has an unmarried daughter, one has an unmarried son, and both are worried about the son/daughter can not get married, and immediately agreed, so they arranged today's matchmaking bureau.

Izabella was reluctant to come, but Mrs. Baxter said that if she didn't want to come, she would have to go to their company and ask their leaders for help.

Mrs. Baxter naturally did not really want to ask their leader for help, she just wanted to go to Izabella's company to show her face and let the people in the company know who Izabella is.

Izabella graduated and entered the company on her own merit, and she made a point of not mentioning her family for fear of being taken care of in a special way.

If Mrs. Baxter was really going to her company, she was instantly famous in the company, and the next day she, the Baxter family's daughter, was working in the company and the word was everywhere.

It must be said that Mrs. Baxter still knows Izabella.


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