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Mr. Chairman’s Devious Wife by Brey Mitchylle novel Chapter 107

Chapter 107 

Lawrence’s laughter echoed inside the room. The manic glint returned to Lawrence’s eyes, replacing the twisted amusement that had played there moments before. A cruel chuckle escaped his lips. Kill your mother? Sofia, darling, where on earth did you get that idea?He shook his head, the movement theatrical

Eunice, bless her heart, knew the truth all along. She knew about my past, about the darkness that stained our family history. She knew that I was her brother.” 

Sofia blinked, unable to believe what she just heard


What did he just say

Eunice knew about him

Then why?she asked. What was the point of everything? If her mother knew about Lawrence thenwhy would he harm her

Because your mother is weakLawrence shrugged. I cannot be with a weak woman. Unfortunately, even love is not enough to change someone like that.” 

Sofia pursed her lips. Lawrence’s revelation was something that she never expected. You are lyingshe said. My mother would never….” 

Before she could finish her words, Lawrence suddenly took something out of his pockets. It was a black rectangular object; a recorder

He played it and almost immediately, Eunice’s voice filled the room

I can’t do thisEunice said

What do you mean?Lawrence’s voice responded

She is my mother. I know you and I are bloodrelated siblings and I love you but sheshe is still my mother.” 

There was silence for a few seconds before Lawrence let out a sigh. I’m sorry if I put you through a difficult situation,he said, his voice mellowed. But Eulanda would probably not agree that you give your fortune to me. It’s impossible. She would rather die.” 

You are a Lockhart. You deserve everything that you will get once I die.” 




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Chapter 107 

Can you not talk about dying?Lawrence said, his voice lower

Eunice only snorted in response. Sofia adores you. Please don’t let her know the truth” 

Why protect her from the harshness of this world?he asked. He chuckled. Eventually, she needed to know the truth or Eulanda would probably cook up 

something making her hate you, hate us?” 

Lawrence pressed another button, and the recording stopped

YouSofia’s lips quivered

Your mother knew about me. She wanted to give him half of her inheritance which Eulanda would never allow. I mean… why wouldn’t she give me what was rightfully mine?Lawrence gave a nonchalant shrug. That greedy woman.” 

Was it true that your father- the one who raised you- killed my grandfather?Sofia asked. This was what Eulanda told her

It was selfdefense,Lawrence said. My father raised mehe treated me like his own. Yet that grandfather of yours wanted us away. I meanthe only good thing about it was the fact that your grandfather ended up dying. So” 

The world spun around Sofia, the plush carpeting beneath her suddenly a precarious tightrope threatening to send her tumbling into oblivion. Lawrence’s words slammed into her with the force of a tidal wave, each revelation a crushing blow that knocked the wind out of her lungs

Sofia squeezed her eyes shut, trying to shut out the sound, the image of her mother wrestling with a truth too monstrous to face

Why?she whispered, her voice hoarse, barely a thread. Why did youThe question trailed off, choked by the storm of emotions churning within her

Lawrence’s dismissive shrug only served to fuel her growing rage and confusion

He spoke of inheritance, of a birthright stolen, yet his actions the slow, insidious poisoning of her mother screamed of something far more sinister

A flicker of doubt, a single ember of hope, sparked within her. My grandmother wouldn’t have let you take everything,she rasped. She wouldn’t have allowed it.” 

Eulanda, the evercontrolling matriarch, wouldn’t have stood idly by. She would have fought, tooth and nail, to protect her legacy

Chapter 107 

Lawrence’s smile, however, remained cold and calculating. Oh, she tried. But look at where she is now?he conceded, his voice dripping with amusement. Even the great Eulanda Lockhart couldn’t fight the inevitable. Besides,” he leaned forward, his voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper, she wasn’t the only one who knew

Sofia’s breath hitched. Whatwhat do you mean?she stammered, a dread so profound stealing the air from her lungs

Your precious Alexander,Lawrence purred, his eyes gleaming with a malicious satisfaction. He knew the truth too. He and Eulanda have been business partners for so longhe knew about her schemes. He knew about your mother and me, a long time before your marriage.” 

Lawrence’s words echoed inside Sofia’s ears like a tolling bell. A strangled laugh escaped Sofia’s lips, a humorless sound laced with disbelief. Alexander? No. That’s impossible.Denial, a desperate shield, rose to the surface, a flimsy barrier against the onslaught of revelations

The very notion of Alexander, her confidante, her rock, harboring such a secret was ludicrous

No. Impossible,she mumbled

Don’t be naive, Sofia,” Lawrence scoffed, his amusement morphing into something akin to pity. He was probably using the information to his advantage all along. Think about it. How convenient was it that he swooped in and married you, the sole heir to 

the Lockhart fortune?” 

I meanI have always known that you are naive but, can’t you really see it?Lawrence asked. Can’t you see everything?” 

His words somehow sparked a flicker of unease over her. Why would Alexander suddenly marry her

He was the one who approached her and offered the deal. He told her they had been engaged since they were younger and she believed him without asking questions

Was it really possible that he had something else in mind

Did you realize it now?he chortled. Alexander Beaumont was working with Eulanda all along! Eulanda wanted you to marry Alexander so he could help her secure the wealth of the Lockhart Family.” 

Sofia frowned at that. Believing this man would be foolish

Chapter 107 

However, just as Sofia was about to say another word, she heard a doorbell. Her expression immediately changed, her face paling

Sofia flinched, a flicker of something akin to hope sparked in her eyes. Could it be help? Someone who might break her free from this nightmare

Lawrence, however, seemed unfazed. A cruel smile twisted his lips. Well, well,he drawled, his voice dripping with amusement. Looks like we have a visitor.” 

Sofia’s heart hammered against her ribs, a frantic drumbeat against the chilling silence 

of the room

Now, listen to me and do exactly as I say or you will end up dead, do you hear me?he 

said. Sofia nodded

Slowly, get upLawrence gestured the gun. Check the door,he commanded, his voice a cold order. And if you value that little friend of yours,he gestured towards the 

door with the gun, You won’t breathe a word of what’s transpired here today.” 

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Sofia’s breath hitched in her throat. I— I know.Slowly, she marched out of the room and walked towards the living room where she could see the security system. In fact, there is a way to check the CCTV in the bedroom, but Lawrence didn’t know that

It’s Miss Amores, my secretary.” 

Answer herLawrence said


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