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Mr. Conrad Proposes to His Ex-wife Again novel Chapter 103

In the evening…

When Stella was packing up her things in the room, she heard a string of gentle knocking sounds on the door, “Stella, are you sleeping?”

Stella opened the door, “Ms. Anderson.”

Dolores saw the luggage case and asked, “I heard that Clare will come back tomorrow, are you going back with him?”

Stella nodded her head, “I have to come back to City N to deal with something.”

Dolores handed a bag to her, “Here are some small weavings I made recently. Take them with you. Maybe you will use them one day.”

“Thank you, Ms. Anderson.” Stella took the bag and asked, “Ms. Anderson, aren’t you going back to City N again?”

Dolores curled her lips into a light smile, “I will not come back again. There’re no memorable memories for me there.”

“Then Clarence…”

“It depends on himself. If he has time, he can come here to visit me. It doesn’t matter if he doesn’t have time. After all, I have never assumed the responsibilities that a mother should take.”

Stella didn’t know what she should say at the moment. She could only nod her head silently.

Several seconds later, Dolores continued, “Stella, I don’t know what happened between you and Clare and I don’t have the qualification to comment on the things between you two. But… Clare, my kid, it’s true that sometimes his temper is annoying. But he has always been firm in speech but soft in heart. I learned from my observation during this period of time that indeed he cares about you a lot. It’s just that he doesn’t know how to express his feelings.”

Even if Dolores didn’t tell her about this, Stella could still feel by herself that Clarence was just hard in speech.

Moreover, he grew up in the Conrad family, a place where was full of intrigues, hence he was accustomed to think that all people were evil and would weigh up all the pros and cons to the greatest extend.

It was because Stella was so clear of these that she wanted to keep away from Clarence as far as possible to prevent being involved in the power struggle between him and the Conrad family.


Stella looked down at her belly. She roughly knew why Clarence didn’t expect this child’s birth.

But she was a mother who had once lost a child and now she was pregnant again. She thought this was a blessing from the god and she would by no means deprive its chance to come to this world.

After a long while, Stella spoke, “Ms. Anderson, I and Clarence are unmatched in many aspects. The reason why we got married before is that…”

Stella suddenly chuckled, “Anyway, I’m the one to be blamed and I should bear the consequences.”

Dolores sighed in her heart. She didn’t say anything else. Before leaving, she told Stella to take good care of herself and feel free to call her if she had any problems.

When Stella was about to close the door, she saw Clarence standing not far away and staring at her coldly.


She twitched her mouth corners, “Mr. Conrad.”

With one hand in his pocket, Clarence said in an extremely indifferent voice, “Tell me, what consequences did you bear?”

‘I bear your cynicism and harsh words over the past three years, you wretched man!’ Stella thought to herself.

She replied honestly, “Divorce is the consequence that I ought to bear.”

“Stella, if you think that divorce means nothing has happened, I have to say that your thought is really simple and naïve.”

“I know this will possibly not be able to recover any damage. Mr. Conrad, maybe in your eyes, I’m having some other intentions, but this is the only thing that I can do.”

“If you really plan to bear the consequences, you should think over what you should do when then Conrad family learns about your pregnancy.”

Clarence turned around and came back to his bedroom after finishing the words.


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