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Mr. Conrad Proposes to His Ex-wife Again novel Chapter 29

At such an urgent period, I begged him not to lend a helping hand to SG Jewelry Magazine again for the sake of love.

Hearing this, Clarence looked at Stella, “Which part do you feel unwell, I’ll call the doctor.”

Stella tried to be tough and said, “Haha, I’m acting.”

Clarence was speechless.

Sherry was speechless.

Stanford was speechless.

Clarence seemingly did not intend to let her go due to this. He grabbed her thin and fair wrist and dragged her into the lounge at the side.

Stanford was awe-struck, “What’s going on?”

Sherry’s smile became stiffer, “It’s because…of some entanglements in a love relationship.”

In the lounge, Stella forcefully withdrew her hand, “Don’t worry, Mr. Conrad. The money I owe you will be returned to you later after she show is over without a minute’s delay.”

So he did not have to come backstage at halftime to remind her of this.

How come she did not find that this wretched man was so petty in the past.

It was obviously agreed to give her a month but it seemed that he really wished to remind her of this at regular intervals.

“I’m not…” Clarence paused. His good-looking eyebrows slightly furrowed, “How do you get the money.”

“I never steal, rob or cheat anyway. I earn it with my own capability.”

Seeing her being so confident, Clarence was infuriated. He snorted, “If you’re so capable of earning money, why did you force me to marry you at that time.”

Stella pursed her lips and spoke after a long time, “I’m sorry.”

Seeing that her face was even paler than just now, Clarence was a bit annoyed, “Where exactly are you feeling unwell.”

“Nothing,” Stella spoke casually, “Maybe it’s because I’ve never been on a catwalk before so I’m a little nervous. Whenever I’m nervous, I’ll get sick to my stomach and want to vomit. I’ll be fine after it’s over.”

As she said, she assured too, “Don’t worry, Mr. Conrad. This won’t restrict me from paying back the money to you.”

Clarence directly ignored her latter sentence, “Who let you go to the stage.”

“There was a problem at the last minute. A model has been sent to the hospital and I’m the only one who can replace her.”

“What does it matter with you whether they are short of models, you’re just a designer.”

Stella twitched her lips, “Yeah, I’m just a designer, I’m not Mr. Conrad who can ignore everything and be unsympathetic.”

Clarence was silent for two seconds, “It seems that you’re indeed acting.”

“You look so energetic. I don’t see anywhere of you is uncomfortable.”

“Mr. Conrad is really smart. I’ve been seen through by you again.”

Clarence’s patience was completely gone and he left straight away.

Two minutes later after he left, Stanford received a call from Winnie’s agent, saying that they heard that there was a problem in the backstage and Winnie could help them for the remaining two catwalk shows if needed.

Although Winnie was an actress, in the past few years, she was a guest that was regularly invited by the major fashion week. She had watched more than a hundred shows and her familiarity with the stage and her ability to control the entire scene was not something that a normal model could achieve.

Considering Stella’s current situation, Stanford agreed almost without hesitation.

Hence, Winnie was asked to do the catwalk as if it was driving a duck onto a perch.

Soon, the staff of SG Jewelry Magazine had a hot discussion again.

“Mr. Conrad surprisingly can do up to this extent for Vivian. It is Winnie, the movie star that is very well-known currently. She surprisingly comes to help us to do the catwalk. Alas…I better don’t say it anymore.”

“This love is so touching. This is forcefully pressing my head to feel it.”

“Well, being brainwashed for so long, I really think that they have something.”


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