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Mr. Conrad Proposes to His Ex-wife Again novel Chapter 92

Clarence didn’t spare her a glance. Withdrawing his hand, he strode on the step.

Stella followed him for a few steps. Then she asked, “Mr. Conrad, do you want to go to any other places? If not, I gotta go home.”

“Hasn’t anyone told you to exercise more after being pregnant?”

Stella answered seriously, “My doctor told me to have more rest, leaving those disgusting people and matters alone.”

Clarence cast her an indifferent glance.

“Of course, I feel physically and mentally delighted with being with you, Mr. Conrad. Where else do you want to go? Let’s go there and come back as soon as possible. Otherwise, it’ll get dark soon.”

Looking at her hypocritical smile, Clarence snorted, “Nowhere.”

Stella exhaled. She was delighted.

It seemed the way back was shorter than the way when they came here. Shortly, they arrived at the door of the house.

Stella said, “Mr. Conrad, I’m going upstairs. If you need anything, please let me know.”

As she spoke, she trotted away before Clarence answered.

Back to her room, Stella sat in front of the bed. She opened the draft, ready to continue drawing. However, she raised the pen but couldn’t make a brush after a long time.

Currently, the scene that Clarence was standing in the stern of the boat and reading out his hand to her flashed through her mind.


After the last brush, Stella signed her name on it.

She put down and stretched. Sherry’s call was coming in.

Sherry said, “Hello, Stella, my darling. What are you doing?”

Stella was about to answer. She looked down and saw the picture on her desk. Probably she felt guilty, she closed the draft book and put on a wry smile, “Nothing... I’m drawing the design draft casually. What’s up?”

Fortunately, Sherry didn’t sense anything wrong with her voice. She said, “I’m so bored alone in City N. Tomorrow is the weekend. How about I go to find you? The scenery photos you took looked quite nice.”

Before considering it, Stella subconsciously said, “Please don’t.”

Sherry was confused, “Why? What’s wrong?”

“I meant... It’s quite far away from City N indeed. You only have two days, and you need to rush back before enjoying anything here. How about next time? When you have a long vacation, you can come here.”

“All right. By the way, I met Liam Keith a few days ago. He’s so in love with that bitch. A few weeks ago, he looked as if he couldn’t live without me. Jesus! Men are jerks. They always hunt for women even if they have girlfriends. So disgusting!”

Stella fell into the silence.

Indeed, what would be different if the dumped woman tried her best to retain the man? He would still hunt other women behind his girlfriend.

She couldn’t help wondering what love meant to some people.

Liam was like this, let alone...

After bitching about Liam for a moment, Sherry asked Stella to take care of herself. Then she hung up the phone.

Stella put down the phone and reopened the draft book. After a thought, she tore the page off, rolled it up, and tossed it into the trash bin.

She inhaled, cheered herself up, and started drawing the draft.

Stella was quite immersed in her work. She hadn’t noticed that it was getting darker and darker outside.

After a long while, she heard a few knocks on her door.

Clarence’s expressionless voice was heard, “Stella, are you awake?”

Stella stood up and opened the door reluctantly, “Mr. Conrad, what’s up?”

“Go out for dinner.”

It wasn’t until now did Stella realized that it was dinner time.

The wretched man was unwilling to dine out for lunch. She wondered why he was willing to go out now.

Clarence looked out of the window, “It’s getting cold at night. Take a coat.”


Stella went back to get her coat and went downstairs.


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