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Mr. Conrad Proposes to His Ex-wife Again novel Chapter 96

Stella had never expected that Clarence saw the torn page from the draft book. Instantly, she blushed. She wanted to retort him but couldn’t find any right word.

Clarence said indifferently, “Why don’t you keep making excuses?”

After a long while, Stella said, “I was just polishing my skills.”

Honestly, she didn’t believe in her excuse herself.

However, thinking that the wretched man didn’t have normal logic, she hoped that he would believe it.

Right then, Clarence curled up his thin lips, giggling in a low voice.

Stella glared at him in silence.

What was so funny about it?

Clarence said, “Let’s go. I’m starved.”

After a long morning, finishing lunch, and arriving home, Stella wasn’t in the mood to talk to the wretched man at all. She directly walked upstairs for a nap.

However, as soon as she lay down, there was a knock on the door.

Stella suppressed her anger, got up, and opened the door, “Mr. Conrad, what’s up again?”

Clarence held a glass of water, “Take your pills.”

“I’ll take them after my nap.”

“Before the nap.”

Clarence’s tone was quite aggressive, sounding as if he would gulp it down her throat if she refused.

Stella took over the glass, walked to the desk slowly, and sat down. Then she opened the bag of the pills and swallowed them with sips of water.

After that, Stella looked back, only to find that Clarence was sitting on the couch of her bedroom. With the laptop on his lap, he was working.

Stella was confused.

She directly reminded him, “Excuse me, Mr. Conrad. I’m going to take a nap.”

Clarence didn’t raise his head. He answered indifferently, “Go ahead. I didn’t stop you, did I?”

Stella gritted her teeth, “Mr. Conrad, thanks for bringing me the water. I’ve taken the pills. You can leave now.”

Clarence’s slender fingers paused on the keyboard. He looked up at her slightly and then out of the window, “I like the view here.”

It seemed that he refused to leave her room, didn’t he?

Stella was annoyed. Before she could speak, Clarence added, “You think I don’t care about you, don’t you? Go ahead and take a nap. I’ll accompany you here.”

“I didn’t say it!”

“No difference.” Clarence didn’t care about it. He said, “Stella, I don’t want to be commented as an irresponsible man again because of you. Go ahead with your nap. I don’t want to repeat.”

The wretched man truly cared about others’ opinions on him, which Stella had never expected.

She decided to give up. She couldn’t do anything to him anyway. She’d rather calm down.

Lying on the bed, Stella tucked her in the quilt with her back towards him, “Mr. Conrad, please pull the curtains for me.”

Clarence was silent.

A few seconds later, Stella heard the sound of pulling the curtains.

She lay on the bed, curling up her lips into a smile. It was so dark in the room now. She wondered how the wretched man could continue working like that. She didn’t think that he would be sitting in her coach for the whole afternoon.

For a long time, there was no sound in the room again.

After taking pills, Stella felt quite sleepy shortly. She rubbed against her pillow, falling asleep.

A while later, Stella felt the space behind her slightly moved. She was dizzy and didn’t sense anything wrong. She turned around and held something in her arms. It was cool and cozy. She clung to it and rubbed.


When Dolores came back from her trip, it was getting dark. She didn’t see Stella in the yard, so she guessed that Stella must be napping in her room. After put rice in the rice cooker, Dolores went upstairs.

She knocked at the door of Stella’s bedroom, “Stella, are you there?”

Stella rubbed her eyes and answered in a hoarse voice, “Yes, I am.”


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