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Mr. Sutton's Lovesick Girl novel Chapter 43

He wrapped Eva in a towel and carried her out of the bathroom, and then helped her put on clothes. He told the doctor to continue to give Lucia with sedative drugs, so that she won’t wake up.

The doctor came out of Lucia's room and went to Eva’s room and applied her with medicine. Eva buried her face into Justin's arms, whispering, "Daddy, I miss Mommy, when will Mommy get well?"

"Soon, when you are recovered."

The doctor was heartbroken about her injuries, "Mr. Sutton, it may a week for Eva to recover, for the area is big. You have to bring the culprit to justice! It's abominable!"

Justin only said, "How is the situation of Lucia, can she wait until Eva is well before she ......"

Justin knew that Eva was sensible and he could not say too much in front of her, but the doctor understood his meaning, "Yes, but it is not good to use too much sedative medicine, and Lucia’s mental condition ......"

Too much sedative medicine would definitely do harm to Lucia.

The doctor added, "I'll make sure Eva gets rid of the bruise soon."

Justin nodded. After the doctor left, he took Eva to play in the garden, trying to get Eva out of her fears.

She was fine during the day, once she went to bed at night, Eva would cling to Justin's clothes and not let go.

When Lucia was around, Justin never had the chance to sleep with Eva, and after two days of getting along with Eva, he felt they were closer. She was sensible and would give him her love. Justin felt warm and moved.


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