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My Alpha Mate's Christmas Gift novel Chapter 21

  “She has a solar panel,” Melissa stated, reading her daughter's mind.

  “O-Ohh…” Roxanne said, having a relieved expression on her face.

  However, another thought suddenly came to her mind. What about connection, she wasn’t holding her phone currently due to the heavy bag she carried, but there was no connection in remote areas such as this. How was she going to

  “She had Wi-Fi installed not so long ago” Melissa answered her worries again.

  “A-Ah…” Roxanne muttered.

  There was stable electricity, Wi-Fi, and the quiet atmosphere she was looking for. The whole package.

  “Is this paradise?” She thought to herself.

  Eventually, after a total journey of 30 minutes, counting rest, they arrived at Linda’s abode. Melissa proceeded to knock the door, giving it a few pounds with her hands, before a voice came from deep within the house.

  “Oh, you’re here already? That was quick!” An old woman sounded.

  Before long, the door opened and there she stood, Linda Warner, Melissa’s mother and Roxanne’s grandmother.

  With blue and grey strands of hair fluttering about her head, the old lady appeared before them. She was shorter than both Roxanne and Melissa, but one could see the resemblance between the three of them. She wore a white winter coat and wool trousers, with flip flops on, but it was clear she was dressing to go out.

  “Good morning Mom. It’s so nice to see…” Melissa started off when she saw her old woman.

  “Oh my, oh… Is that you Roxanne? My, how you’ve grown!” Linda cried out, ignoring Melissa’s greeting as she proceeded to hug Roxanne.

  Melissa was stunned by this, but swallowed her saliva to contain herself. Her own mother was more excited to see her daughter than her.

  “Oh, look at those cheeks, and this figure. Oh boy, you must be the talk of your class” Linda grinned widely.

  “Oh, grandmom, stop it” Roxanne laughed at her grandmother’s compliments.

  “But I’m so serious. I mean, look at you… Tell me, do you have a boyfriend yet?” Linda suddenly asked.



  Both Roxanne and Melissa said this at the same time to express a sense of caution to Linda and the strange question she asked right off the bat.

  “Whaaaat?” Linda said with a mischievous smile.

  “Mom, won’t you at least invite us in? It’s cold out here” Melissa said to her mother as she gave a knowing stare.

  “Oh, you’re right Melissa. Nice to see you too by the way” Linda said, turning to her daughter for a moment.


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