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My Alpha Mate's Christmas Gift novel Chapter 31

  Linda’s eyes widened as she saw the state of her house. Glass shattered on the snowy ground, furniture and house decorations all scattered about. She had gotten an eerie vibe even before she reached the entrance and when she was outside, she already caught a foreign scent which made her feel more on edge. Now inside her home, she observed the disastrous state of the place.

  “Roxanne! Are you there?!”She called out.

  No response came.

  Of course she expected that. It was pointless to call for her after seeing the devastation that occurred, but she still did so out of reflex.

  “Something was here…” Linda muttered as she smelled the air in the small space.

  Suddenly, her eyes darted to her right and focused on the wall. That was where she saw them.

  Claw Marks!

  “Of course… So they’ve come for her. But why? Why now? Who would do this?” Linda’s thoughts overlapped.

  However, that wasn’t the most important thing to do at the moment. First of all, she had to inform Melissa.


  “Hello Melissa, it’s about Roxanne. She’s gone!” Linda said as she came out of her house in a hurry.

  “What? What the hell is that girl thinking?!” Melissa said with an angered tone.

  “That’s not it Melissa! She didn’t leave on her own… They’ve come for her!” Linda said urgently, without mincing words.


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