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My Alpha Mate's Christmas Gift novel Chapter 34

  Story and origin of Werewolves.

  “What do you know about Werewolves?” Rita asked.

  Roxanne scoffed at the question. Was this some sort of joke? Why was Rita talking about something that had no bearing with the questions she had within her and the situation she was in.

  “What kind of question is that? Just tell me-“ Roxanne started to speak impatiently.

  “It’s an important question, just answer it. What do you know about Werewolves?”

  Rita’s eyes focused on Roxanne, who was a bit confused by the question. But, after seeing the serious look on Rita’s face, she decided to just give her an answer.

  “Werewolves are people who have the ability to turn to wolves. Happy?” Roxanne said with dissatisfaction.

  “I’m serious Roxanne. Is there anything else? Anything your parents told you? Anything you remember hearing or seeing?” Rita asked, drawing her face closer.

  “N-No. I don’t even understand how that is an issue here. Werewolves are fiction, okay? They’re not real, unlike the predicament I’m currently stuck in” Roxanne expressed.

  Rita didn’t reply. Instead, she rested her back and closed her eyes. She mumbled some words to herself, which Roxanne could not quite make out before she finally sat upright again.

  “Okay, listen to me Roxanne. Don’t be freaked out, okay? You asked about the identity of everyone here. The truth is… We’re Werewolves.

  “Werewo- Please stop joking with me! I’m serious here. Werewolves aren’t real. That are-“

  “Then what would you call the ‘thing’ that chased you outside your home till you collapsed? Surely you don’t think it was just your everyday animal, do you?” Rita asked her.

  This took Roxanne back to when she was running for her life in order to escape the black furred creature. She remembered it and spoke some words before she fell unconscious, though she didn’t remember much else.

  “T-That was…” Roxanne said, stopping midway. She couldn’t explain what she saw, but that didn’t mean she was just going to accept some crazy logic on werewolves.

  For all she knew it could be a new species or breed of animal, and the voice she heard? Maybe it was just in her head. Maybe she just imagined it.

  “That was a werewolf, and a very strong one at that… Roxanne. We are all werewolves here. That is the truth” Rita confessed.

  “No, no… W-Werewolves aren’t real. Can you hear yourself right now? You sound crazy!” Roxanne said with disbelief.


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