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My Alpha Mate's Christmas Gift novel Chapter 40


  “So, you’re ‘him,” Roxanne said with a frown.

  The mysterious man shrugged. He didn’t know what she meant by ‘him', but he couldn’t be bothered enough to ask. He only had one purpose for visiting, to talk to Rita.

  “Just what did you tell her?” He asked Rita.

  Rita looked a bit guilty, showing that she divulged more than was necessary. She laughed sheepishly as the man shook his head slightly and slapped his face.

  “You never change. In any case, I only came to see how the ‘mate' is doing. It’s a good thing I came right on time…” He said to Rita, turning his face to look at Roxanne.

  “What were you trying to pull off just now? Escaping? I wouldn’t advise that '' He said to her.

  Roxanne clenched her teeth as she glared deeper than before.

  “Oh? Why not? You don’t want me to escape so I can remain here and be some sort of weird werewolf mate, Isn’t that right!” Roxanne said ruefully.

  “Well, that is true. But even apart from that… You wouldn’t be able to last two hours in the woods by yourself. It is especially cold in this part of the woods. Besides, even if you manage to escape safely, chances are you’ll run into another pack. And believe me… They will not show you any mercy. We werewolves aren’t known to be very lenient to outsiders… Especially ones who associate with humans like you.” The man said in a calm tone.

  “Then why did you capture me then? You should have just left me be? You monster! I never asked for any of this! I don’t care if you’re some sort of Alpha or Wolf King or even the goddamn president. I demand you let me go now!” Roxanne mandated.

  He looked at her calmly and breathed slowly. A brief moment of silence ensued as Roxanne's fiery eyes locked on to his cool blue ones. Finally, he opened his mouth to speak.


  Roxanne was taken aback by his express bluntness, but it wasn’t as if she didn’t expect it. It looked like, unlike Rita, she couldn’t reason with this one. She had no choice.

  “Then I’ll have to make you!” She said to him with determination.


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