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My Alpha Mate's Christmas Gift novel Chapter 45


  Roxanne changed her fighting posture, her eyes still fixated on the man who seemed to be ready for whatever she would dish out. With a stoic expression, slightly tilting toward amusement, he rubbed both his arms, feeling the impact of her earlier hit.

  Rita, who stayed in a corner, a small distance from where Roxanne fought, sighed as she watched. She used her eyes to signal to Roxanne to stop the pointless struggle, but Roxanne stubbornly refused. Even though she still felt a kind of favourable vibe with Rita, she also had the idea that she couldn’t trust her. After all, she was on his side, not hers.

  “This Asher guy must be looking down on me!” She said to herself, still thinking that the opponent she faced was the greatly famed Wolf King and Aloha of the pack she was residing with.

  Shaking the thoughts from her head, Roxanne increased her pace and dashed straight toward the man who stared at her with a curious gaze, wondering what she would do next. She bent down and aimed for his left side. He quickly held her hand, stopping it from making contact. Roxanne smiled at this.

  Quickly turning her body to compensate, she pushed her weight to the opposite direction, making him lose his balance a bit. He let go of her hand so he wouldn’t be dragged any further than he was, but she had already achieved her aim.

  As he tried to regain his footing, she appeared by his side and tackled him, not giving him enough time to stand upright. He waved his hands to swat her away, but she quickly bent, easily dodging his strike. His clumsy and wide movements made Roxanne sure that he clearly wasn’t properly trained in specialised combat and most likely relied on his superior physical ability to win any fight. However, against Roxanne that was a terrible move.

  Roxanne had fought several opponents who were physically stronger than her in the arena, with both of them going all out, she had to find a way to win even with her overwhelming disadvantage. She usually managed to win due to her freakish stamina and endurance, but her coach taught her another way. Using the opponent’s strength against them, making them overexert themselves or panic, leaving openings for her to exploit. That was the way for her to win against someone who only relied on his strength.

  Roxanne grabbed his hand that he waved and planted her feet solidly on the floor. Using the already existing momentum to her advantage, she pulled his arm, dragging his entire body along with it and aimed to fall him down, knocking him into the ground.

  As her hand was locked with his arm and she pulled, he showed surprise as he was suddenly taken into the attack. He was raised up and turned upside down, on his way to the ground, which would be a massive thud. Even Rita placed her hand in her mouth as she was also amazed by Roxanne's tenacity.

  However… That still wasn’t enough.

  The man twisted his body in the air, releasing himself from Roxanne's grasp forcefully as his large arm slipped from her already weaker one. He landed with his feet, rather than his back as his legs bent in a squat, making contact with the floor.


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