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My Alpha Mate's Christmas Gift novel Chapter 6

  Before he could continue, she quickly cut his call and threw her phone on the couch beside her.

  “Ahhh, Melissa what have you done?” She said to herself as she crashed on the sofa.

  She heaved a sigh as she used her hand to cover her head in both disappointment and overwhelming emotions of weakness.

  “I don’t know how long I can hold it off anymore… Roxanne, I’m so sorry” She said silently while her two hands covered her face.

  Suddenly she started to sob and tears fell from her cheeks uncontrollably. She wouldn’t stop, or rather it was that she couldn’t stop the tears which flowed down her cheeks.

  “Oh, what have I done?”

  Roxanne walked to school with her backpack only hung slightly in one part of her shoulder, betraying her very distinguished looking outfit. A purple sweater, with tight winter jeans and thick dark boots. Her clothes underneath the sweater was grey, though it leaned more toward the white side if she was being honest with herself.

  The conversation she had earlier with her mom continued to play in her head.

  “Maybe I was being too hard on mom,” She thought to herself.

  Perhaps it was due to her youthful look, understanding behaviour or very young age, Roxanne never really viewed Melissa with high regard as a strict or high reach mother. This caused her to often talk to her as though they were equals, which Roxanne knew was wrong, but at this point it was difficult for her to change.

  She knew her mother was trying to encourage her in her own little way, but she just didn’t know why she always reacted that way.

  “It's been this way since dad died” Roxanne mumbled to herself.

  Her father was always closer to her than her mother, a man who also had blue colored hair and eyes, same as herself. He would always flaunt his blue colored hair proudly, even though it was beginning to get riddled with grey hairs.


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