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My Alpha Mate's Christmas Gift novel Chapter 67

  Melissa nodded slightly, affirming her words.

  “I avoided him and tried to move on, but Damien is a very persistent person. Slowly, he began to close the gap between us, and as much as I tried to fight it, I couldn’t! The ‘Link' between the two of us wouldn’t allow me” Melissa sighed.


  “Yes. You don’t know this yet since you haven’t Awakened completely as a Werewolf. A Link is something both werewolves have between each other if they are mates. In such a situation where two mates find themselves, a Link is formed. This link can not be severed and both werewolves, even if they wish for it not to happen, will always feel drawn toward another. The attraction keeps building up and intensifying until they finally accept each other and ‘Bond’.” Melissa said.

  “W-Whoah!!! Is that really true?” Roxanne said in disbelief.

  “It is. I can say it for sure. I tried my hardest to resist Damien since I didn’t want to put you through any more emotional distress. But, no matter how hard I tried, it just kept getting stronger. The time when you saw us would be our first time doing something like that together. I was all alone in the house and I couldn’t control it anymore. It turns out it was the same for him as well. I called him and he came over… It wasn’t long before you arrived as well…” Melissa explained.

  “W-Wow! That is… Wow. I don’t know what to say about this” Roxanne said, stunned beyond words.

  Silence once again prevailed in the house, then a thought flashed through Roxanne's mind. She looked at her mom, who still looked guilty, and asked.

  “So, what do you plan on doing now?”

  Melissa looked at Roxanne's bright smile and finally understood. Her daughter wasn’t against her relationship with Damien to begin with. She was most likely just angry that she had hidden it from her.

  “Well, immediately our lips touched, we Bonded already. There’s no way I can deny our connection now. After I finish training you and return to the house, I think I’ll call him over. It’s time I stopped running away from this like a scared teenage girl” Melissa smiled.

  “Hey, why do I have a feeling you are talking about me? Besides, this Damien guy is nothing like Asher, is he? He doesn’t kidnap you or stalk you or grab your mother by the neck, does he?” Roxanne said in protest.

  “No. No he doesn’t” Melissa laughed at that daughter’s words.


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