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My Baby’s Daddy novel (Anastasia) novel Chapter 2802

Sophia nodded. “Whichever way, get it done as soon as possible”

She put her tablet aside and let out a sigh. A wave of self-blame washed over her. She had acted too impulsively this time, almost jeopardizing her son’s happiness.

She went downstairs to keep her mother company. Cecelia asked, “Did you find anything?”

*The person gave me their account number, and I’ve sent Leia to verify it.”

“This person is clearly up to no good,” Cecelia said angrily, then turned to her daughter. “Sophia, when you married Artie, our family wasn’t well-off. But you’ve come a long way, and you know better than anyone that true happiness can only be found when two people love each other.”

Sophia nodded. “Mom, I was wrong.” After a pause, she confessed, “I also made a mistake. I met Harmony privately.”

Cecelia was surprised, “What? You met her privately?! What did you say to her?”

“I… I thought she was a promiscuous girl because of the photos, so I… I hoped she would leave Ezekiel on her own.”

“You’re too impulsive, Sophia. I understand that you’re worried about who Ezekiel’s future wife will be, but you can’t act so rashly!” Cecelia looked at her daughter.

“I will apologize to Miss Mayo, Sophia said. She glanced at the time; it was past 9 p.m. It seemed her son had gone to Harmony.

“You’re just too concerned about Ezekiel.”

“Yes, when I met Miss Mayo today, I could tell that she’s not a bad person. Her eyes are pure, her demeanor is good, and she doesn’t seem like someone who would do anything for money.”

“I’ve asked around for you. I have a friend in the industry; her daughter-in-law is in the entertainment business. She said that Harmony is a hardworking and ambitious girl, but she never picked up any bad habits from the industry. She’s a genuine person.”

Sophia was surprised that her mother had also looked into it. “Mom, you’re really invested in this!”

“Of course, I have my eyes set on her to be my granddaughter-in-law.”

Chapter 2802 1

Chapter 2802 2

Chapter 2802 3


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