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My Bad Boy's Gang novel Chapter 1

Rain Eliza Thompson POV

I ran a hand through my hair and put my books away. "Rain!" My brothers yelled again.

"What!?" I yelled at the top of my lungs; making my voice echo through the house as I threw my head back and waited for a response, but there was none for a few moments.

"No yelling in the house!" One of my brothers yelled back, making me roll my eyes in response at them being hypocritical as always. I finished putting my books away before I ran out of my room and down the steps of the grand staircase.

I have 3 brothers. Three annoying brothers, who I love dearly but sometimes I wish they were a rock so I could chuck them at the wall...to harsh?

Jax was the oldest of all of us at 25, with crystal blue eyes, soft brown hair that curled a bit in the front when it wasn't gelled back.

Ryan was the second oldest at 23, and seemed to be the quiet one but was also a pain in the ass. He had bright crystal eyes, brown caramel colored hair that he always had spiked back and was pretty built; but all my brothers were.

Joel.. Joel was 21, and the youngest and most adored as well as the favorite. Joel and I were the closes; there was no doubt about it. He had dark hair; almost black, striking blue eyes, and definitely a ladies man.

Then there's me who's 18 and I'm graduating High School this year, and I couldn't wait a second longer to be out of school.

"What"? I asked as I walked into the kitchen that they all were sitting around in. The kitchen was lit up with the chandeliers hanging above the island with a marble glossed countertop, with a antique feel.

They were all eating..as usual. "We're suppose to ask you if you did your homework?" Jax asked, setting down his glass of water. I rolled my eyes "Yes, I did," as I grabbed an apple and hopped up on the white and black marble counter top.

"Wheres dad"? I asked curiously. "Work," Ryan answered, with his mouth full of leftover lasagna from last night that probably wasn't even fully cooked all the way considering my brothers made it.

I live with my dad and 3 older brothers. My mom and dad are divorced and she now lives across the country in California, as we're in New York. My mom is now a huge clothing designer and my dad was a lawyer but now became the sheriff. I haven't seen or talk to my mom for 5 years, being the last time I saw her I was 13.

"Rain," My brother Joel snapped his fingers in front of my face. "What?" I asked as I snapped out of my thoughts. "Daydreaming again," He narrowed his eyes at me.

"What time is it?" I asked, tucking a piece of my hair behind my ear. "Quarter to 5," Jax stated, looking at his phone to check. I sighed. looking at the clock to see it was indeed quarter to five. "Shit"! I muttered.

"Hey! Watch your fucking language!" Jax teased jokingly, making me roll my eyes in response, "Whatever, I'll be back. I have to go to school for a thing that I left in Mrs. Doyle's room."

Getting off the countertop, I pulled on my black leather jacket and tied my converses before getting my keys and phone from the kitchen table. "Remember the 3 D's!" Ryan yelled, as I walked to the door.

I rolled my eyes again; which I did a lot around them, "Yeah I got it! No drinks, drugs, or, dudes."

I walked out. My brothers are really overprotective for no reason; and it drives me insane! This is why I wish they were a rock sometimes...I walked outside to my truck, getting in the driver's side to leave.

* * * * * * *

When I came to the parking lot of hell aka school, I got out of my locker door and walked straight into the High school because they apparently don't know what security is.

Tightened my leather jacket around me, I walked down the silent empty corridor with a chill going up my spine from how abnormally silent it was, considering there is usually a bunch of screaming teenagers.

Tripping over nothing, I quickly caught my balance and looked down at my converses, I was only in skinny jeans, a gray plain t-shirt, converses, and a leather jacket.

When I finally came to the my biology room, I took the note that was taped on the translucent window of the door to read it.

Dear Rain,

The keys to the room are on top of the door. You may go in and get your books, but make sure to lock the door after.


~Mrs. Doyle

Mrs. Doyle is my favorite teacher and has been since freshmen year, when I was completely lost; and still would be if it wasn't for her.

I put the note down and looked up at the door, placing my hands on one side of the wall and my legs on the other and climbed up, grabbed the keys and jumped down.

Walking into the dark room that was filled with desk, I grabbed my books that I had left behind earlier yet needed for homework because I procrastinated and now have an English paper due tomorrow.

Walking out, locking the door, I headed down the hallway to leave but froze when I heard yelling from men's voices. I stopped and hid behind the corner of the wall filled with lockers.

I looked and saw a total of 4 guys who were all built and broad; the kind of guys you were always told to stay away from.

One was yelling, then two guys were restraining one. "Where is it?!" The guy yelled in a cold voice. "I told I don't fucking have it"! The guy who was restrained yelled, gritting through his teeth.

The one who was restrained looked awfully familiar but I couldn't figure out where I knew who him from. The guy's voice became demanding, "Do you know what happens when people don't have my drugs?!"

I'm witnessing a drug deal?!??

The guy with the cold voice pulled out a handgun, and the one who was restrained gave the guy a blank look with a cold glare. He raised the gun, aiming it at the restrained one's head.

Rain do something!!!

My palms were sweaty and my heart was pounding and I couldn't get myself to move. Shock took over, and my heart race was going so fast I felt it in my lungs.

The guy looped his finger around the trigger, making my eyes go wide.



2 and a half.....

"STOP!" I yelled and coming out from behind the row of blue beaten up lockers.


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