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My Dear Mr. Nice novel Chapter 145

Chapter 145 : Do you know who you replaced as the end?

The next day, Micaela put on a shirt with a high collar, which could cover most of the marks on her neck.

She sat in the car, glancing at Carlos.

"I still have to cover my neck with so much heat, luckily the office has air conditioning..."

-Then go to my office to work," Carlos said.

-No, I can't like this! -Micaela refused.

So he had to send her to Nubcancion and returned to the company.

Diego was already waiting in Carlos' office.

Since Mr. Aguayo had also gone to live in Barrio Fanslan, he felt he had much less to do, and he still felt a little uncomfortable because he no longer had to act as a driver.

Seeing Carlos push open the door, Diego greeted him:

-Mr. Aguayo, I have investigated clearly. Miss Carballo and Miss Noboa have never met in the past, except for that time in the cafeteria.

Carlos stood in front of the window, looking at the blue sky outside, and frowned:

-Give me her phone number.


Carlos' phone rang quickly.

He pulled it out and dialed it right away, right on the number.

The call was quickly answered:


-Hello, this is Carlos.

Katarina was so surprised that her phone almost fell to the floor, and only after a long time made a sound to confirm it:

-Micaela's boyfriend?

-Yes. Are you sure you've smelled Micaela's scent before?

Carlos asked directly what he wanted to know.

-Mr. Aguayo, don't doubt the perfumer's sense of smell. Besides, people remember smells better than anything else. You may not be able to describe it, but when you smell it again, you'll be incredibly sure you smelled it before.

"Yes, that's it!"

Carlos affirmed in his heart what Katarina had said. He was sure that the smell on Micaela's body, he must have smelled it before! That was what made it so familiar!

-Okay, thanks," Carlos hung up the phone.

Katarina was puzzled.

"What was wrong with him?"

Diego was also looking at Carlos with a puzzled look on his face.

"Haven't you stopped investigating Miss Noboa already, what's wrong now?"

-Diego, find out on what occasions Miss Carballo and I, we have met.

Diego was even more lost.

-The encounters between you and her are all at banquets, but basically you don't even show up.

Carlos rarely showed up at banquets, and even if there was an encounter, there was little chance of meeting.

-Well, list which banquets, when, and how many times.

Carlos returned to his desk and sat down. That idea might be too absurd, but he still wanted to go and confirm it?

Although he did not understand it, Diego kept answering:

-All right, Mr. Aguayo. By the way, the motion to cooperate with Mangzarent Nation has been agreed upon and he accepted all the conditions we offered him. He is very sincere in wanting to cooperate with us.


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