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My Dear Mr. Nice novel Chapter 150

Chapter 150 : you will always be welcome in Nubcancion

Micaela shook her head, not allowing herself to think about this.

-It's a pity that I've been working as a security guard here for so many years and I've never seen Mr. Aguayo's true face.....

He spoke with great enthusiasm, but Micaela headed for the door, ignoring his curious question....

She still couldn't help but think about what was going on today. Both Amelia and Bianca, loved Carlos, and one is from Familia Atenas that Carlos supported, and the other is the Davalos Family, one of the three great families....

The faster Micaela walks, trying to dismiss the thoughts in her head. And at this moment, the phone in her purse rang and Micaela stopped, wishing it was Carlos.

She pulled out the phone and saw it was Kiki:

-Hello, Kiki.

-Micaela, Miss Carballo's final payment has arrived. Congratulations on the successful completion of your order!

-Thank you...

-There's something I want to talk to you about, can you come back to the office now?


Hanging up the phone, Micaela returned to Nubcancion by cab.


Carlos put the pen in his hand, picked up his phone, looked at Micaela's smiling face on the screen, and thought she must be in Nubcancion. But she was close to her own company!

After locating the place again, she was at the company!

Carlos stood up abruptly. "You wanted to surprise me?"

"Well, I like this surprise. Lately she was busy with her design, not paying much attention to me."

He stood in front of the window for a while, but she still hadn't come in, so he frowned and turned on his phone to reach her.

"What happened, was she in the building a moment ago and then she left?"

Carlos went to the door, opened it, and saw Diego sitting at his own table, where there was soup.

When he saw Carlos, Diego hurriedly got up and hurried to explain:

-Miss Bianca came. I still told her you had a meeting, so she waited two hours and left.

Even Diego was very impressed by her feelings for Carlos.

Every time she came she was quiet, bringing soup or handmade sandwiches. However, Carlos hardly ever saw her, unless it happened, he would let her into the office, but rarely communicated. Despite that, she cherished those moments.

Many men liked her, but she only liked Carlos.

If it weren't for Micaela's appearance, Diego would have to wonder if Carlos' heart was made of stone?

-Did she just leave?

Diego was a little surprised... In the past, he wouldn't have minded that....

-Yes, he took your exclusive elevator down.

-Who told him to take that elevator!


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