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My Disabled CEO Stood up And Kissed Me (Natalie) novel Chapter 145

Chapter 145 Kendrick Stands Up

Natalie honored her promise.

She taught Nomi and her friends a lesson.

When Nomi was live-streaming, someone poured a bucket of iced water over her head.

There were ice cubes in the water.

The audience in the live stream was shocked.

When the audience stared at the screen dumbfounded, another bucket of cold water mixed with lots of ice cubes poured over Nomi again.

The audience thought it was a gimmick that Nomi brought forward to make fame, so they made real-time comments and asked her to do it again. Some of them even gave Nomi generous tips.

The number of audiences in the live stream reached a new height.

However, the live stream soon got disrupted.

Someone grabbed Nomi by the hair and flung her to the ground.

A pair of flats appeared before Nomi's eyes.

Natalie looked down at Nomi and said, "It was me who decided to get you out of our live stream. I didn't plan to cooperate with you after that, but you had the nerve to offend me..." She tilted her face and said coldly, "Don't ever think of being a live streamer again."

Nomi struggled to get up and beckoned her assistant to call the police.

Natalie smiled and said, "Do you want to call the police? I did that for you already."

As expected, two cops arrived after a while and said someone reported that Nomi was suspected of tax fraud.

Nomi was soon taken away.

Natalie went to make a statement with the police.

The cop in charge of the case was polite to Natalie. After she made the statement, he said, "You can leave now. Your friend is waiting for you outside."

Natalie was puzzled. Who was the friend?

She looked back.

Saul was standing behind her.

Previously, he asked Natalie how to deal with the pranksters.

Natalie said she would give them a lesson and teach them the correct behaviors.

To Saul's surprise, Natalie asked her men to pour several buckets of cold water over Nomi in the live stream.

She even brought Nomi to the police station.

"Let's go." Saul said, "It's okay now."

"Of course, it's okay." Natalie said in surprise, "Why are you here?"

"After I learned that you went to the police station, I got worried about you."

Natalie said, "I called the police and told them Nomi had committed tax fraud."

Saul was speechless.

He was silent for a while, racking his brain to find a topic. In the end, he said, "There will be an Orionid meteor shower tonight. Would you like to go stargazing together?"

Natalie looked indifferent.

Saul frowned.

Natalie didn't show special interest in it.

One year ago, the astronomy club watched the Cassiopeia meteor shower together, and they said they would observe the Orionid meteor shower in one year.

Natalie noticed his disappointment and asked, "What's wrong?"

"You don't seem interested in it."

Natalie said casually, "I have something else to do tonight."

"Orionid meteor shower is once in a century. If you make a wish at the meteors, it will come true."

Natalie glanced at him in surprise. "Didn't you learn science before?" She continued, "Meteors are just light traces produced by electron transitions of cosmic dust when it passes through the Earth's atmosphere at a high speed. They are not different from dust."

She asked in bewilderment, "Will you make a wish at the dust?"

Saul was speechless.

He felt helpless.

He thought Natalie had changed a lot.

Natalie looked at Saul's face and felt her words were too blunt. She tried to make it up to him. "But you can give it a try. Maybe your wish will come true."

"Would you..."

"I gotta go." Natalie said, "I'll treat you to coffee next time."


When Natalie learned that there would be an Orionid meteor shower at night, she got excited.

Wasn't it romantic to go stargazing with the man she loved?

The meteor shower would begin at eight o'clock.

Natalie went back home to fetch a telescope before going to the hospital.

Kendrick was wheeled out by the carer for fresh air today.

When he came back, he saw Natalie coming with excitement.

Didn't he ask her to go home to rest?

Why did she come again?

Natalie took the telescope out of her bag as if it was a treasure. "There will be an Orionid meteor shower tonight. It's once in a century."

Therefore, she had to come and watch it with Kendrick.

The carer suggested out of kindness, "Mr. Ramsey..."

He intended to say Kendrick needed to stay in bed and take a rest.

Kendrick raised his hand and interrupted the carer, beckoning him not to continue.

"When will it start?" asked Kendrick.

"At eight o'clock."

Kendrick nodded in agreement.

The sky was clear tonight. The constellations in the night sky could be seen at high latitudes in the northern hemisphere.

Kendrick and Natalie sat on the balcony and gazed at the sky, wrapped in the same blanket.


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