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My Disabled CEO Stood up And Kissed Me (Natalie) novel Chapter 155

Chapter 155 You Are Flatter Than Me

"She just saw me as a fool, didn't she?" Brett drank the wine in his glass in one gulp, "How could she use such an excuse if she wanted to break up with me!"

Natalie was speechless, "..."

She asked cautiously, "Then what?"

"And then I was totally dumped and never got in touch with her again."

What a sad story it sounded.

She took the glass and silently poured herself a glass of wine.

Kendrick stopped her as he saw that.

She looked up and begged him in a low voice, "Just a little. It's fine."

How miserable Brett was. She felt that it was worth clinking glasses.

Kendrick agreed.

She poured herself a small glass of wine and clinked the glass, comforting him, "To get out of that sad relationship early, Brett!"

"No!" Brett knocked the glass on the marble table with a bang and said, "I must find her. Then she will see how good I am now and regret it!" He chuckled, "I will be promoted to major general soon!"

"Probably you are just someone normal who she gets with. She might forget who you are when you meet her, haha!" Maggie finally found a chance to raise her head instead of looking at the screen of her phone and just said something like that to rub salt in his old wounds.

It became silent at the moment.

Natalie felt that Brett was just going to turn the table over.

She pinched her husband's hand under the table and thought about how they would not be affected later.

To her surprise, Brett just lowered his eyes and sighed inaudibly, "Really?"

Was it a story of a ruthless playa and a loyal affectionate man?

Kendrick patted his second brother on the shoulder and said with concern, "You're drunk. Just go back early and have some rest!"

The wine easily went to Brett's head as he drank it.

It was all right to open a bottle of dry red wine which cost 50 thousand dollars for him.

Those plates and wine vessels were also very expensive.

They were handmade.

He felt that Brett just couldn't smash them.

"Right!" The living death nodded, "You go out and drive, Maggie!"

But Maggie was not pleased.

She didn't want to leave yet.

She felt that there were still so many things she hadn't said to Nat!

Brett raised his hand, "Stop dawdling. You just ask for trouble, don't you?"

"Can't you just ask the driver to pick you up? I want to stay for a while!"

"Just keep an eye on Brett, Maggie." Natalie was a little worried, "I will go to the show with you in a few days!"

"All right!" Relatively, Maggie was willing to follow Natalie's idea. She glanced at her second brother and said, I'll take the car!

As Brett was leaving, he turned around and said, "Don't forget to take the drugs I bring you, Ken."


What drug did Kendrick need to take?

Natalie cocked her ears.

"All right. I will." Kendrick said with concern, "Be careful and don't forget to go on a blind date tomorrow!"

Maggie just dragged Brett away.

Natalie saw the two of them out.

She didn't come back until she saw them driving out.

At last, she felt that the humming sound in her ears stopped.

She just heard a love story that was a bit sad but a little comic as it was told by Brett.

They were not in the same world.

Her heart skipped a beat.

Was it a reason to dump him or was it the truth?

She stepped into the living room and found that Kendrick was still sitting at the dining table. He could feel the quietness finally.

She walked over and asked, "Is your second brother going to stay for a long time this time?"

"Yeah, for about next year. He will be promoted to Major General at the end of the year and President Williamson will personally award the medal!"


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