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My Disabled CEO Stood up And Kissed Me (Natalie) novel Chapter 69

Chapter 69 A Hug Might Help

Natalie had seen death and suffering. She knew that all living beings were suffering. She was calmer and more rational than ordinary people.

But when she saw Kendrick like this, her heart seemed to be pulled out of her chest by hand, bringing out a sense of suffocation. She was so shocked that she froze in place. It took a long time before she came to her sense and walked towards him slowly.

Kendrick was leaning there with his eyes half-closed and his eyelashes drooping slightly.

As the physiotherapist turned, he caught a glimpse of Natalie standing there out of the corner of his eye.

His black eyes opened immediately, and he turned around. His eyes fell on her face.

Natalie didn't do a good job of expression management.

Her brows deeply frowned, and her eyes were not even in focus. The expression on her face was even more complicated than words could describe.

She was lively most of the time, and she rarely looked like this.

Did he scare her? Kendrick wondered.

He resisted the huge pain in his body, clenched his fingers tightly, put them on his lips, and cleared his throat lightly. His voice was hoarse and tired, "Sorry, I scared you."

Natalie was heartbroken when she heard his words.

"No..." She squatted down, lowered her eyes, and burst into tears when she spoke.

She had always thought she had an iron will. Who could make Natalie cry? She would never cry for a man.

But now, she felt so upset. She just felt sorry for him.

"I'm here to see you." She kept her head down and sobbed. She couldn't say anything more.

Cold sweat kept falling from Kendrick's face and dripped down on his collarbone along his clear jawline. His face was pale as paper. His eyebrows were black and his lips were pale, but the inside of his lips was stained with blood because of his gritted teeth.

He was morbid and weak to the extreme, yet it gave birth to a strange beauty.

He let out a long breath, panting, ready to reach out to take the towel handed over by the nurse.

Natalie quickly took the towel and said, "I'll do it!"

She wiped the sweat from his forehead and neck. Hearing him panting heavily in pain, she said in a hoarse voice, "Does it hurt a lot?"

How much did it hurt? It felt like thousands of steel needles piercing his bones. Countless nails were nailed into his bones one by one.

Some people would cry loud during a massage. Such musculoskeletal pain was a hundred times stronger than that.

Kendrick was thinking about how to reply. In a blink of an eye, he saw tears in her eyes condensing on her long eyelashes.

"It's fine!"

Men couldn't cry out in pain.

"It must hurt a lot. I know." Natalie mumbled.

She knew that such pain could not be relieved. She couldn't do anything.

Natalie wiped off his sweat and reached out to hug him.

She wrapped her arms around his shoulders, let his chin rest on her shoulder, and whispered in his ear, "A hug might help."

This unexpected hug left Kendrick stunned for a few seconds and he didn't know where to put his hands.

Perhaps her words did have a soothing effect, and he felt that the pain in his body was lessening.

Kendrick slowly reached out, patted her on the back, and said, "I'm sweating a lot."

She hugged her even tighter. She just wanted to hug him!

Kendrick sighed slightly.

The doctors and nurses on the side all looked over. Everyone was smiling. What was going on?

Kendrick let her hold him for a while, and then turned to whisper in her ear, "Let me change first, okay?"

So many people were watching!

He was sweating all over, and it was quite uncomfortable.

She could feel his warm breath on her ear and the side of her face. She blushed instantly, let him go awkwardly, and nodded.


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