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My Dreamy Old Husband novel Chapter 1501

The entire household was stunned into silence, and Cooper nearly fainted from the news. Since then, Bailey would always get a cut on his tongue every other day, until Carmen took off her braces. During those days, Cooper was always on the ready to confront Bailey for his actions, while Linus urged his team to speed up the process of developing a thermostatic condom that could ensure painless sexual intercourse. In the meantime, Sophia just seemed happy about it.

Soon enough, the ladies’ ball happened on schedule, garnering the attention of all the ladies. It was an important day for the Fletchers, as it was Carmen’s coming-of-age party. Sophia was bawling her eyes out over the occasion. According to Michael, Sophia gave birth to Carmen in a town in Africa. She was not only scrawny, but also a sickly child, so she nearly lost her life due to poor medical conditions there.

It took Michael a lot of effort to raise her. In a flash, she was already all grown up. She was only six when her father was put into cryogenic sleep. Twelve years passed in the blink of an eye, and she was now eighteen years old; that also meant that Michael had been away for twelve years. Carmen opened the present in the time capsule that Michael gave her, and the expired lipstick in it was the present he prepared for his daughter when she came of age.

“Alright, don’t cry. Your father will be back sooner or later.” Anna put the lipstick away while comforting her gently. Meanwhile, Carmen wiped her tears away before forcing a smile. It was her big day, so she was determined to be the most gorgeous lady present for the occasion.

On Carmen’s eighteenth birthday, Anna Yard was the one who personally helped with her makeup, while Sophia did her hair. Both of them were also in charge of picking out her outfit and accessories. While Carmen was being prepped, Casper was pacing in the living room of their house in excitement.

After all, he was her partner for the night. Due to the fact that Cooper picked him for the position, Bailey couldn’t actually complain about it. Meanwhile, Casper was rubbing his hands in anticipation, figuring that his training in ballroom dancing all those years was all worth it. Poppy, Audrey, and Maisie would be attending the ball as well, so they came early to Sophia’s house to prepare themselves. On the other hand, Nathan, Hope, and Ashton were also present as their respective partners.

The ball was held at a hotel owned by Audistin Group. It was the most luxurious hotel in all of Bayside City, so the ball would definitely be exceptional. As the ball’s host, Ronney Group and Bayside Fashion Society showed off their exceptional tastes, which was evident in the fact that every single corner of the venue was lavishly and elegantly decorated.

Most of the guests were already present before the ball even began, as nobody dared to be late for such an important occasion. All of the guests were screened to determine their level of wealth, character and outward appearance; those who didn’t meet the standards were not invited. Therefore, the female guests were all beautiful in their own way, and they were all paired up to form exquisite couples with the equally outstanding male guests. The ball had yet to begin, so the orchestra was playing some soft music as warm up while the people chatted in hushed voices in groups.

“Has Miss Fletcher arrived?”

“Of course not! Even Mrs. Fletcher and Mrs. Yard had yet to arrive!”

“I’m curious about her appearance!”

“Rumor has it that Bailey Adams, the president of Adams Group, as well as Nathan Fletcher, the president of Asco International, will also be here! I’m looking forward to their appearance!”

Kimberly and a few rich ladies were talking in hushed voices, feeling rather elated that a lot of prominent figures would be present. On the other hand, Flynn remained quiet as he was still missing Carmen, who unfortunately had been replaced as his girlfriend by Kimberly.

By mobilizing her family’s connections, Kimberly was able to get him to join the ball as her partner. There were a lot of prestigious people present for the occasion, including male guests who were members of royal families. Bailey Adams, whom Flynn didn’t manage to meet, would also be there, so he could seize the opportunity to connect to people of status.

Carmen won’t be able to provide me with such an opportunity. He took a sip out of his wine to forget the feelings of bitterness within him while he admitted his defeat. I don’t belong to Carmen, nor is the opposite possible, as we belong to two different worlds.

All of a sudden, there was a commotion in the hall as the hosts from Ronney Group showed up. Anna Yard and Cooper Mitchell were the ones to show up first, whereas Sophia Edwards and Linus Michel followed behind.

Chapter 1501 1


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