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My Ex-husband Begs Me Back (Ayan and Camille) novel Chapter 78

Grace just stood there until Brody and Page came over.

The trio got into the car and headed back to the Armstrong's villa.

Page said with some discontent, "What the hell is wrong with Camille? If word gets out, people will think we were harsh on her. How can she give that painting to Mr. Simpson in her personal name, it should be in the name of the Armstrong family."

"Mom, why do you always treat your sister so harshly and coldly?" Page's words had just fallen, Grace suddenly and coldly questioned.

The atmosphere in the car was instantly quiet.

Page looks to Grace: "Grace, what are you talking about?"

Grace looked at Page, met her gaze, and said seriously, word for word: "Isn't my sister also your daughter? Why did you and Dad question and distrust her in public? Is she not our Armstrong?"

Grace's words silenced both Page and Brody.

It was a long time before Page whispered, "Grace, did she complain to you about something?"


"Grace , you grew up around mom and dad, you are kind and generous, mom knows you are soft-hearted, but this Camille did do wrong not to think about the Armstrong family, so ......."

"Mom ......" Grace frowned and raised her tone as she said, "My sister didn't complain to me about anything, except that I could sense your dislike for her, is this all because of me?"

Grace didn't know the real reason why Page was cold to Camille, so after hearing Eileen's remark, she rooted all the reasons to herself.

She really does not like Camille, the sister, because too cold, always feel her bones with a natural pride, even if suppressed to the dust can not see the slightest frustration.

But she envies Camille even more.

I envy her for her frankness and casualness without having to pretend.

Hanyama Manson.

Ayan did not go to the office, but went home.

He entered the house and headed straight upstairs, then pushed open the bedroom door.

Through the faint light you can see the bed slightly arched lying on the person, he turned on a lamp and walked to the bed, hesitated, then spoke in a low voice: "Camille , Camille ......"

But Camille didn't respond.

He called out twice more, "Camille , wake up, let's talk."

It's not too late, so it won't disturb her rest.

But she still didn't move.

Ayan frowned, reached out to pinch her face ready to wake her up, when the cold fingertips touched her cheek, a hot temperature came, he immediately raised his hand to explore the forehead, hot and frightening.

He rushed to shake the person awake: "Camille , wake up, you have a fever, let's go to the hospital, huh?"

Camille is very sleepy, her head is heavy, her eyelids are not open and she just wants to sleep, so she reacts a bit too much and swats away his hand, impatiently saying, "I'm so annoyed, can you not touch me?"

Ayan was slightly stunned, seemingly not expecting her to be so emotional, but quickly picked her up from the bed and looked at her seriously: "Camille, you have a fever, if you don't go to the hospital you have to take your medicine first, okay?"

Camille was nagged until she opened her eyes and looked at the person in front of her. She resisted the urge to push him away and said indifferently, "I don't want to take my medication, what happens to me is my own business, if you want to care then go care about Eileen can you?"

Ayan frowned and looked at her for a while, but he couldn't say anything.

Camille didn't even give him an extra look, and after those words, she simply lay down again.

But she had a raging fever that didn't go away overnight, during which Ayan gave her physical cooling despite her refusal, but it didn't help much.

The next day, before dawn, Ayan brought in Dr. Ellis, who, knowing Camille's condition, prescribed only the right medication for pregnant women, and then told her to drink plenty of water.

When Camille woke up, Ayan came into the bedroom with warm water and medicine.


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