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My extraordinary wife novel (Ashlyn and Lucas) novel Chapter 103

Chapter 103

“Katie, are you sure you want to foot the bill tonight? Twilight Bar’s prices are not cheap...why don’t we go dutch?” one of the nurses asked.

“No no, it’s alright. I just want everyone to have a good time tonight,” Katie replied immediately.

With two young children and two elderly parents to support, she carried a huge financial burden. Moreover, her husband was just a regular salaried worker in a small company.

She would usually choose cheaper outlets when it was her turn to treat during departmental dinners, so everyone found it strange that she was so generous this time.

“How generous of you, Katie,” said the nurse.

“Hopefully, your treat tonight doesn’t cause an argument between you and your husband later!” one of the doctors said jokingly.

Walking behind everyone, Ashlyn felt emotionally distant from the crowd.

As Katie led her colleagues into the bar, one of the female doctors who shared a close relationship with her whispered, “Please don’t be stupid. You still have loans and mortgages to pay off. Where are you going to find the money to treat us tonight?”

“I have a benefactor to help me pay my bills. Don’t worry. Just enjoy yourself tonight,” Katie answered softly.

“Huh? What benefactor?” her colleague asked.

“I’ll tell you another time,” she muttered. Then she turned to everyone else and said loudly, “I’ve booked us a private room. Just head right there.”

The bustling crowd finally sat themselves down at the table in the private room.

“Dr. Berry, do you have a boyfriend?” someone asked boldly since this was the first time she was attending a departmental gathering.

“No, I don’t,” she answered.

“Great news, the young male doctors in our hospital stand a chance with you then!” he answered.

“No kidding! Dr. Berry is really pretty. Who will be worthy of her?” someone else exclaimed.

“Come on, let’s give Dr. Berry a toast.”

Ashlyn raised her eyebrow and said, “Are you guys sure?”

“Of course, this is the first time you are joining our departmental gathering, and you are the top figure in First Hospital! It’s only right if we give you the first toast!” said her colleague.

A few of them then raised their glasses and started a toast.

Ashlyn looked down and smiled. Her pretty eyes sparkled under the light, and it was as though she was an angel who had walked into the light. She was simply beautiful beyond words.

She followed suit and raised her glass, saying, “I hope you don’t regret this.”

Ten minutes later, the doctors and nurses who started the toast waved their hands and said one after another, “Dr. Berry, we surrender!”

“You are the number one surgeon in our hospital, and you are also number one when it comes to drinking!”


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