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My extraordinary wife novel (Ashlyn and Lucas) novel Chapter 112

Chapter 112

Why is he doing this? We’re divorced! A proof of love? Are you kidding me?

Ashlyn let out a deep sigh as she deeply regretted posting that photo out of impulse.

Am I going crazy just like Lucas did? Since when did I become so easily irritated?

Ashlyn threw her phone to the side and went back to sleep.

After she woke up, Ashlyn returned to Bayview Villa.

The servants had gathered around to gossip about what happened on the internet

“Don’t you think Mr. Nolan and our lady is a match made in heaven?”

“Too bad they’re divorced.”

“But still, there must be something wrong with Mr. Nolan’s judgment. Why can’t he see that his mistresses are plain whores?”

“Right? Our lady could even take down a group of men on her own. How can they even compare to her?”

Ashlyn overheard the conversation as she was heading down to grab some snacks.

“You guys have nothing better to do?” Ashlyn’s expression darkened.

The servants turned around and jumped when they saw Ashlyn standing behind them. “M’lady...”

The servants tried to keep their mouths shut, but one couldn’t help but asked when she noticed the bite mark. “M’lady, should I boil an egg for you?”

“Egg?” Ashlyn questioned in an angry tone.

“My mother always told me when I was little that rolling a warm egg on your face can reduce the swelling.”

“Is that so? Get me 10 then!” Ashlyn ordered and pulled a cake out of the fridge before heading back up to her room.

When Jared returned and saw the ‘love’ mark on Ashlyn, he couldn’t help but laugh out hard.

Ashlyn glared at him. “Shut your mouth or I’m going to tear it off your face!”

What’s funny about this? You should laugh at Lucas instead!


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