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My extraordinary wife novel (Ashlyn and Lucas) novel Chapter 114

Chapter 114

Ashlyn perched her lips and said, “I already handed mine over to the auction.”

“What?” Jared responded with a surprised look.

“I felt it was only appropriate of me to turn up with an item or two with values befitting the evening’s banquet. We can’t afford to disgrace Mr. Quickton now, can we?” Ashlyn replied as she gave him a look.

The spotlights shone brightly as it focused its attention on the red carpet.

The celebrities took turns to pose for the cameras.

But in the presence of the veterans, they knew their place and stepped aside.

The world favored capitalism.

Celebrities were nothing but mere tools for that.

Ashlyn and Jared exited from their vehicle and quickly found themselves in front of the camera lens.

The reporters were caught with their pants down but only momentarily. They sprung back into action and were frantically snapping away.

Click! Snap!

Jared’s girlfriend?

Was this a joke?

He brought his girlfriend to an important charity event!

What a shocking turn of events.

Jared the old fossil really did have a girlfriend.

“What’s her story? Who is she? I have never seen her before.”

“Was she an international model or starlet? How did we not know about her?”

“With that face, it was impossible she was not recognized right away!”

The whispers were hushed, and the industry gossiped. People were astonished by the exquisite beauty that stood beside Jared, and her elegance was breathtaking.

Jared was a man adored by millions, and he was also the CEO of a multinational corporation. Yet, he was overshadowed entirely by her. He was nothing more than a backdrop, and no one paid any attention to him.

Jared was in tears! I still got it, don’t I? Sob... sob... sob! Am I destined to be her bag carrier for the rest of my life?

Both of them arrived at the entrance.

As soon as they stepped in, all eyes were on Ashlyn. Anybody who was anybody dropped their conversations.

They were all speechless.

How could such beauty exist on this planet?

Her beauty was mind-blowing. In that instant, every woman present paled in comparison to her grace. The magnificent hall lost its brilliance as she strolled across it.


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