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My extraordinary wife novel (Ashlyn and Lucas) novel Chapter 138

Chapter 138

Flying Fish retaliated. Hmph! None of your business! Am I not allowed to be curious now?

Quiet Forest chipped in. His wife really is mysterious. I can’t even dig up any information about her. Something crazy is going on here, Haha.

Lone Breeze was intrigued. The harder it is for us to find out who she is, the more curious I am.

Jerk, too. Same here. Y’all saw the plane video the last time, right? Mrs. Nolan really has a nice figure.

Flying Fish’s comment flashed on the screen. The one who posted the video said someone offered a huge amount of money to buy the video from him, but he didn’t hand it over. After that, a hacker hacked into his computer and... guess what happened next?

Quiet Forest was getting impatient. Just say it!

Flying Fish provided the explanation. The video disappeared right in front of the hacker’s watchful eyes!

Jerk vented on his screen. Damn! Did Mrs. Nolan hire Zero? I can’t think of anyone who can delete the video in the face of the elite hackers except for Zero.

Ashlyn stared helplessly at the meaningless gossip and typed. Are you all very free right now? Do you even want to know how the Haddock Group’s case is going right now? You have the time to gossip, so why aren’t you working?

Ah! Zero is here! Flying Fish commented.

Quiet Forest was curious. What’s happening in Haddock Group right now?

Zero updated her progress to the team. They fell for the trap and asked me to join the party. It’s happening on Friday, eight p.m. at the Pearl Restaurant.

Jerk perked up. Zero, how did you even manage to get their attention?

Zero maintained her secrecy. I’m not telling you that.

After chatting for a while longer, Ashlyn logged off.

They gossip every day in the group, but I never thought that someday they will gossip about me.

Ashlyn was left speechless.

She stood up and prepared to take a shower.

However, she suddenly received a call from Spencer. He sounded very anxious and desperate over the phone. “Ms. Berry, please come and take a look at Mr. Nolan!”

“What happened to Lucas?” Ashlyn yawned and looked at the time. It was already eleven in the evening.


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