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My extraordinary wife novel (Ashlyn and Lucas) novel Chapter 154

Chapter 154

Hera was already frail and skinny, and now she looked even more fragile than ever. A gust of wind would have easily blown her away.

“Listen to me. I’ll take care of that b*tch for you,” Mrs. Chapman consoled her, “I’ve much more life experiences than her. I bet she can’t do anything to me.”

Hera was relieved to hear her mother’s assurance.

After freshening up a little and putting on light makeup, she looked much better.

She then walked downstairs with Mrs. Chapman. The moment she sat down by the dining table, she heard a sarcastic voice, “I don’t want to sound like a bad person, but you’ve really embarrassed yourself.”

Dressed in an emerald, green dress, the second wife of the Chapman family walked into the dining hall.

Since every member of the Chapman family stayed together in the same villa, where internal strife and disagreements were bound to happen.

They did not engage in arguments openly, but all of them were schemeful and had something up their sleeves.

Mrs. Chapman smiled and looked at the second lady of the family, “What are you talking about? Those posts that you’ve read from the Internet are just rumors. Do you think Hera would do that?”

“That brand has posted about it on its social media, and it even mentioned Hera’s name!” Clearly, she was gloating over the incident.

“What?” Upon hearing those words, Hera’s heart sank even deeper even though she was already depressed.

“Didn’t you know?” The second lady of the house rolled her eyes from one side to another and turned her attention back to Hera. She intentionally emphasized every single word, “This morning, at 7 am, LX published a post about you on their official social media account. Glorious Group also posted something about you.”

Hera’s face instantly turned as pale as a ghost, and her voice trembled, “That’s impossible...”

“Go and check on their social media accounts yourself.” The second lady took a sip of milk, “Oh dear, if our old master finds out about this, his illness might become worse! Look at the things you’ve done, Hera. I think you should avoid going to the hospital in the next couple of days.”

She then went on saying something else, but Hera did not bother to listen to her anymore.

At that point, she had come across trending topics on social media.

#LX’s official statement

#Glorious Group’s official statement


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